Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Short Frequent Urination After Plan B

Cubic meter of MANURE THAT YOU CALL PIO IX ... STATE IN BELL POPE PRETACCI infamous and lemmings!

" Patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels "
(Samuel Johnson)

The celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, as Marxist-Leninists, we do not belong because they are reminiscent of a broadly nationalist and bourgeois revolution, as the itching patriotic knowingly induced by the media, that rages in this period, endorsed by both the reactionary right that the so-called left and challenged by the sun "leagues" of the north and south, key ultra-reactionary-nationalist-localist.

But how do you remain silent before the tons of lies that we should be in every moment of our day? Read and listen to the havoc, counterfeiting, the imaginative reconstructions and historical reversals that the "new" politicians and intellectuals-clerical-fascist mafia is putting in place several years ago with the support of millions of Italians stunned by television, by movies, fashions and values \u200b\u200bof bourgeois decadent and degenerate, all this cries out for vengeance, at least for the respect and admiration we owe all those sincere revolutionaries who, since the French Revolution, of which the Italian Risorgimento and son, tried to destroy a criminal world and build a new and better society, even to sacrifice his own life.

For this reason we begin the publication of a series of articles, documents, images, videos and music that show the components of subversive, anti-religious and egalitarian that characterized some of what is called the "Italian Renaissance" and that today are increasingly removed, hidden or even denied. fulminant start with a thought and unequivocal Giuseppe Garibaldi, accompanied by one of our explanatory note and a video from the movie by Luigi Magni "La Tosca" in 1973, which instead leads us to the revolutionary movements in Italy following the dissemination of the principles of the French Revolution. And finally, "dulcis in fundo" , a video surprise!

Soviet stamp for the 150th
anniversary of the birth of
Garibaldi, issued in 1957.
cubic meter of MANURE THAT YOU CALL PIO IX ...
" All'anticoncilio of Naples - A 'my friends and brothers in arms - , October 11, 1869 Caprera
[The anti-conciliar of Naples is a] sublime spectacle, simulacrum of true human brotherhood, and the very antithesis of wolves consistory, which will take place in Rome on the same day. Here in the contaminated former capital of the world, will be held on virginity of Mary, which bore a fine boy is now 18 centuries (and this really matters much to the starving populations), the Eucharist, that is, how d ' swallow the ruler of the worlds, and then deposit it in a Closet any. Sacrilege, which proves that the men mbecillità ... Finally infallibility of that cubic foot of manure called Pius IX. "
This is the s to luto directed by Giuseppe Garibaldi dell'Anticoncilio participants in Naples, opened in 1869 just as opposed to Vatican I, or "the consistory of wolves" who was preparing to define the delusional dogma of papal infallibility, which instead was merely "a cubic meter of manure."
It is worth emphasizing the irony, modernity and boldness of the General Assembly in emphasize the inglorious end of the host-jesus the toilet! Even today it is difficult to hear someone speak the truth about the monster that takes place during the ritual of the Catholic Mass, in which million people, several times a day, are convinced that eating a corpse died over two thousand years ago, or make a disgusting, sickening and repulsive act of cannibalism, human, and it is not a metaphor, as they hasten to minimize Catholics by birth or worse lay devotees: the transubstantiation, that is the transformation of the host in the body of Christ and wine into his blood, is a dogma of faith enshrined in the Council of Trent, and who does not accept it is outside the church!

BEEN PAPA BELL PRETACCI infamous and lemmings!
Ilrisorgimento Italian origin has its deepest nellaRivoluzione Enlightenment and French. It was with the arrival of the troops rivoluzionariefrancesi which began to develop the so-called "Italian national consciousness" dellaborghesia, with the birth of the first republics "sisters" and deltricolore.
Questovideo is taken from the movie by Luigi Magni "La Tosca" (1973) and parladell'attesa for the battle of Marengo 14 June 1800: After various setbacks before, and marked lavittoria return to Italy of Napoleon's troops now a traitor, as well as having put an end to the French Revolution, you start to fall apatti with the papacy (giving, however, many displeasure) and proclaim himself emperor, disappointing expectations deigiacobini Italians who hoped for a restoration of the Republic Romanae in the final and complete end of the Papal States, instead ancoraoggi we are forced to suffer in a "reduced" Vatican City, Mamilla times perciolosa then, since it has now turned into a "multinazionaledel crime against humanity," a theocratic state, tyrannical and medieval cheogni all authentic and genuine atheist Marxist-leninsita contutte forces should seek to remove from the face of the earth.

"Stay tuned pretacci infamous ,
Bonaparte spent er San Bernardo! The sovereign king
are all to cry, because they feel
throne je er dance!

State in bell principles cojoni ,
back freedom co 'them French ,
return to make war on the castles,
and bring peace to the huts!

Mo vojo laughs Pope Pecorone ,
Bonaparte spent er San Bernardo!
has already deployed them all deaf
and awaits the field of Marengo.

(Texts Luigi Magni - Music by Armando Trovajoli - Orchestra and chorus directed by Armando Trovajoli - Coro di Pietro Carapellucci)

SONG the derelict or the "wonders" of divine creation or proof of the inexistence of God

"(But, where are you going sister?
er to thank you sir!
'namo, it should be!)

Did er sky
did you er sea
quanno you think you know is pe 'three.
A is the tera thou hast guessed, which has the
who guessed mejo de te ...
You did everything well er created
you sbajato only six co 'me ... only co 'me ... only co' me ... soloco 'me ... only co' me!

Here nun said if Lord God,
that I only need to pay.
What happened to you?
svojato Eri?
T'eri tired of work?
Nun was required!
Nun you were, you
nun you Annaviva,
Anna ... lassi, lassi anna ... anna ... lassi, lassi Anna ..., lassaviannà!

(last of the crowd,
confused unheard voices in heaven,
Almighty loves solo!)

Te sbajato only six co 'me! "

Texts Luigi Magni - Music ArmandoTrovajoli - Orchestra and chorus directed by Armando Trovajoli - Coro "I Cantori Moderni di Alessandroni"

Video editing and audio transcriptions by dell'UAACS

UAACS - Union for Atheism and Communism Soviet anti-religious

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Describe Decomposer, Detritivores And Scavengers


Who are the main protagonists of the presentation of the book " Italy, Vatican State "to be held February 26 to Jesi? The Libertarian Research Center (anarchists our own) and Ennio Montesi (Axteismo): Brancaleone a small army of 'anti-clericalism petty-bourgeois and liberal democracy in bankruptcy . But in what context is the presentation of this book?

Jesi is a reflection of the failure of local ambitions anarchist and progressive salsa in social-democratic , the so-called "left" Italian: Belcecchi the mayor, in addition to "business as usual bourgeois" backed by both parties calling themselves Communists, is guilty of certain acts genuinely clerical-fascist 's cancellation of the performance of the Hack at the Teatro Pergolesi in 2005 for the death of Wojtyla , the removal of our Muhammad cartoon with the explicit intimidation Islamic circles and finally the ' removal of boards of associations at the Arc of the Magistrate, under the guise of rehabilitation, really just to prevent the posters "dangerous."

In this bleak and bleak picture, stand up for all anarchists Jesi of Libertarian Studies Centre "Luigi Fabbri". The anarchists in general have been irreversibly opened to a scary process of approval. Their c oncezione individualistic and decadent freedom (between liberals and libertarians, there are only a few letters difference) was fully mixed with the degenerate capitalist dictatorship of the consumer and commercial-television.

For years it has become clear that their strategy accommodating and compliant with hooks and knowledge with the local power that he gave in time "fruits" valuable means a place in a municipal structure (the way of carcerette Posterma), assignment, at the time, a bulletin exclusive dedication to the Sacco and Vanzetti, complete with a plaque, the gardens of Carcerette (at the expense of the town). This news, in its time, was also published with some relief from clerical-reactionary newspaper "Voice of Vallesina ", a demonstration of actual contiguity between anarchists and one dominant thought.

"Voice of Vallesina on 30 April 2006: the magazine of the Diocese of Jesi, publish information on the initiative of the anarchists Jesi, in the middle of articles and pictures about priests, bishops, ladies, put, crucifixes, Lent, Easter, Gospel , Way of the Cross, pilgrimages, confirmations, advertising and other sacred items ravings toxic to the human mind. Everyone has their companies deserve ...

Obviously the mayor, including an unveiling of a statue of Padre Pio and acceptance in full regalia of a statue of the Madonna descending from a helicopter was glad to neutralize another myth of the bourgeois left empty (Sacco and Vanzetti) putting it in the shop of the corrupt and rotten liberal-democratic society.

Attack "anarcho-Islamic" to us.
Note the title of the manifesto: an illuminating example
of "militancy" from the sports bar, as well as
of intellectual and political cowardice.
But this is nothing. Jesi anarchists were guilty of "crimes" far worse.
When the mayor removed the cartoons about Islam issued by us and when we were even the subject of death threats from part of local Muslim, anarchists "in solidarity" fiercely attacked us with a manifesto which said that "the cartoons were quite bad, 'we must face the issues stating religious values \u200b\u200bwithout hurting the feelings anyone "(sic), that" there are different ways of being atheists, without this should result in an integral "(sic), that we were" intransigent and fanatical defenders of a non-church "(sic ) and that "it is a good thing that local women and men of Muslim faith have made themselves felt because they were offended in their persons" (sic sic).

One of the cartoons we published
What to say? The first words seem taken from a press Forza Italy, while the latter seems to be the draft of a proclamation of al-Qaida , but alas it was indeed an article of anarchists jesi ni ! Never read sentences more reactionary and silly! (See FRIENDS OF COMPLAINT - The sad downward by a group of anarchists )

And to think that it was precisely the narchici Fano that, several years ago , they printed thousands of stickers, T-shirts, posters the sticker " Pope Wojtyla? No Thanks ? for which they went on trial for insulting the pope . Pay court costs for printing thousands of pamphlets that we bought out of solidarity and strongly defend not only the legitimacy but also the need for such a cartoon. But why the cartoons on Catholics to defend, while the Islamists are on the offensive? Mysteries of the anarchist creed! Or rather, no mystery: Catholics today than they put you on trial, while the Islamists condemn you to death and this says a lot about the "carat" Anarchists of our own that have nothing much to do with those brave and least consistent of late nineteenth century.

Another of the cartoons "indicted"
But the apotheosis there was about a year ago with the use of threats, insults and physical lynching attempt by anarchists to one of our comrades (see Tales of Ordinary Madness Anarcho-FASCIST ). Moreover, given the circumstances, the conclusion could only be that of the Appeal methods squad.

What about Ennio Montesi (who will speak to the presentation of the book) and his personal creation that is " Axteismo ? It 'the expression of bourgeois individualism that is so fashionable today (Facebook, personal blogs, political parties with people's names, etc.), the apex of' self, the ego at the center of it all as a paradigm of reality. Just go to her blog to understand the "standing". Although both of these parties, never took place during the events above cited. Some years ago we had the opportunity to work with Montesi and his companion Luigi Tosti (the famous judge who has rightly refused to do its job under the crucifix, while the issue was fine judgments on behalf of the criminal law bourgeois , which then, however, was the victim), but then we were forced to break off all cooperation seen sconclusionatezza, confusion, bizarre, absurdity el'autolesionismo of this movement: in fact, just to get publicity (which is their "number" more: every opportunity we can to publicize their books) were ready to host your blog in the disturbing actions of characters and absurd as a Logica1 (to get an idea here ) or members of a certain Pagan Federation (click here to get an idea )!

In an open letter is addressed to Montesi the Berlusconi and Napolitano, with the following Poroli: "I llustri presidents, vision and trust in the objectivity of EE. VV ". What audacity! That bold words! Terms of imperial lackeys!

What to say when he published on his blog a Montesi our review of a movie (see RELIGIOLUS ) without even asking my consent, with lime to put in our code? After our complaints put his initials UAACS; to our request to put it in full, he literally terrorized by "Soviet Communism" , in addition to a series of insults and contumely email , seraphically said that in his blog " had no policy ", the typical sentence of indifference, the reactionaries and those who pretend not to know that there is no worse policy of those who say not to do! In short, a real disaster!

And what to expect from this book? Nothing new. The usual old story, dull and stale. " Without secularism, democracy is an empty box . This is the slogan of the author Michael Hammer, which you see in the poster presentation. Too bad, because it is an excellent scholar.

secularism and democracy, two cornerstones of the dogma of bourgeois! It takes courage to use terms so ambiguous, and worn out by now devoid of any meaning, so they are used safely by the same religion, the neo-fascists from the right and the clerics. The term secularism is now only shame, the cowardice and meanness of those who can not even define atheist (ie a normal man) . As for the so-called "democracy" we know well: the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie , capital, finance, and their means of communication (docet Berlusconi) who are spreading bankruptcies, wars, disasters and failures worldwide!

But on secularism and democracy we meet with Lenin words that seem written for today, while a century ago:

"denounce and tirelessly pursue the current" lackeys graduates clerical obscurantism, "whether they act as representatives of science officer or acting as snipers who call themselves journalists 'democratic left-wing or socialist ideas'. "

And again
" Particularly important is the material concerning United States of America, where the bond official, state, between religion and the capital is less apparent. But there is more clearly that the so-called "modern democracy" (before which they prostrated themselves so inconsiderately the Mensheviks, the Socialist rivoluzionaci and, in part, the anarchists) is nothing but the freedom to preach what he agrees to preach to the bourgeoisie and it should preach the most reactionary ideas, religion, obscurantism, the defense of the exploiters, and so on. "

And finally:
" The power of capital is all, the stock market is everything, while the parliament, elections, I'm a puppet play, puppet ... Only fools and knaves may think that the proletariat must first obtain a majority in the elections, the proletariat must first overthrow the bourgeoisie, then seize power: This is the dictatorship of the proletariat " .

Union for anti-religious atheism and Soviet Communism

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Biblical Quotessports

The commemorative professional

Tomorrow is January 27, 2011, Memorial Day. Day when the whole world remembers the atrocities of the Holocaust. Repeated every year, without seeing an improvement is frustrating and makes it clear that there is no real intention to change. Write further would be superfluous. For this reference simply to script a year ago.
2010-2009-2008-2007-2006 January 27 ... Memorial Day.

enclose the video with the Italian translation of the declaration of Sir Gerald Kaufman
jew Polish-born , Labour MP and member of the British Parliament, issued January 15, 2009.

I was raised as an orthodox jew and a Zionist. On a shelf in the kitchen there was a tin box for the Jewish National Fund, into which we put the coins to help the pioneers to build a Jewish presence in Palestine.
the first time I went to Israel in 1961 and returned there many times. I had family in Israel and I have friends in Israel. One of them fought in the wars of 1956, 1967 and 1973 and was wounded in two of them. The badge I wear is a decoration awarded to him on the field, he gave me. I met most of the prime ministers of Israel, from the founding Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion. Golda Meir was my friend, as is was Yigal Allon, Deputy Prime Minister, who, generally, conquered the Negev for Israel in the 1948 war for independence.

My parents came to Britain as refugees from Poland. Most of their families were subsequently killed by the Nazis in the Holocaust. My grandmother was ill in bed, when the Nazis came to his hometown, Staszow. A German soldier killed it by firing it in his bed. My grandmother did not die to provide cover for Israeli soldiers kill Palestinian in Gaza grandmothers.
The current Israeli government ruthlessly and cynically exploits the constant sense of guilt among the Gentiles for the massacre of Jews in the Holocaust to justify the his killing of Palestinians.

The implication is that Jewish life is precious, but the lives of Palestinians do not count. On Sky News a few days ago, the Israeli army spokesman, Major Leibovich, was asked about the killing by Israel of at that time, 800 Palestinians (the total is now 1000). He instantly replied that "500 of these were militants."

This was the response of a Nazi.

suppose that the Jews who fought for their lives in the Warsaw Ghetto could have been vilified as militants.

The Israeli foreign minister, Tzipi Livni, said that his government will not have relations with Hamas, because they are terrorists. Tzipi Livni's father Eitan Livni was the chief of operations of the terrorist organization Irgun Zvai Leumi, which organized the bomb the King David Hotel in Jerusalem that killed 91 victims, including four Jews. Israel was delivered from Jewish terrorism. Jewish Terrorists
hanged two British sergeants and blew up their bodies.
Irgun, along with the terrorist Stern gang, in 1948 massacred 254 Palestinians in the village of Deir Yassin.
Today, the current Israeli government indicate that would be willing, in circumstances acceptable to them, to negotiate with Palestinian President Abbas, of Fatah. It's too late to do so. They could negotiate with the former leader of al-Fatah, Yasser Arafat, who was a friend of mine. Instead, the siege in a bunker in Ramallah, where I visited him. Because of failures of al-Fatah, from the death of Arafat, Hamas won the Palestinian elections in 2006. Hamas is an organization, unpleasant, but it was democratically elected, and that is what passes the monastery.
The boycott of Hamas, even by our government, it was a culpable error, which are derived from the terrible consequences. The great Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban, whom I campaigned for peace from many forums, said: "Make peace if you talk to your enemies." To how many Palestinians the Israelis can kill in Gaza, can not solve this existential problem by military means.
When and where the fighting ended, there would still be a million and half Palestinians in Gaza and two and a half million in the West Bank. They are treated like dirt by the Israelis, with hundreds of roadblocks and the hideous inhabitants of illegal Jewish settlements that bother them.

The time will come, not far from now, which will exceed the Jewish population in Israel. It is time for our government to make it clear to the Israeli government that his conduct and his policies are unacceptable, and to impose a total ban on export weapons to Israel.
It is time for peace, but true peace, not the solution through the subjugation that the real target of the Israelis, but that is impossible for them to reach.

They are just war criminals are stupid.