Who are the main protagonists of the presentation of the book " Italy, Vatican State "to be held February 26 to Jesi? The Libertarian Research Center (anarchists our own) and Ennio Montesi (Axteismo): Brancaleone a small army of 'anti-clericalism petty-bourgeois and liberal democracy in bankruptcy . But in what context is the presentation of this book?
Jesi is a reflection of the failure of local ambitions anarchist and progressive salsa in social-democratic , the so-called "left" Italian: Belcecchi the mayor, in addition to "business as usual bourgeois" backed by both parties calling themselves Communists, is guilty of certain acts genuinely clerical-fascist 's cancellation of the performance of the Hack at the Teatro Pergolesi in 2005 for the death of Wojtyla , the removal of our Muhammad cartoon with the explicit intimidation Islamic circles and finally the ' removal of boards of associations at the Arc of the Magistrate, under the guise of rehabilitation, really just to prevent the posters "dangerous."
In this bleak and bleak picture, stand up for all anarchists Jesi of Libertarian Studies Centre "Luigi Fabbri". The anarchists in general have been irreversibly opened to a scary process of approval. Their c oncezione individualistic and decadent freedom (between liberals and libertarians, there are only a few letters difference) was fully mixed with the degenerate capitalist dictatorship of the consumer and commercial-television.
For years it has become clear that their strategy accommodating and compliant with hooks and knowledge with the local power that he gave in time "fruits" valuable means a place in a municipal structure (the way of carcerette Posterma), assignment, at the time, a bulletin exclusive dedication to the Sacco and Vanzetti, complete with a plaque, the gardens of Carcerette (at the expense of the town). This news, in its time, was also published with some relief from clerical-reactionary newspaper "Voice of Vallesina ", a demonstration of actual contiguity between anarchists and one dominant thought.
Obviously the mayor, including an unveiling of a statue of Padre Pio and acceptance in full regalia of a statue of the Madonna descending from a helicopter was glad to neutralize another myth of the bourgeois left empty (Sacco and Vanzetti) putting it in the shop of the corrupt and rotten liberal-democratic society.
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Attack "anarcho-Islamic" to us. Note the title of the manifesto: an illuminating example of "militancy" from the sports bar, as well as of intellectual and political cowardice. |
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One of the cartoons we published |
And to think that it was precisely the narchici Fano that, several years ago , they printed thousands of stickers, T-shirts, posters the sticker " Pope Wojtyla? No Thanks ? for which they went on trial for insulting the pope . Pay court costs for printing thousands of pamphlets that we bought out of solidarity and strongly defend not only the legitimacy but also the need for such a cartoon. But why the cartoons on Catholics to defend, while the Islamists are on the offensive? Mysteries of the anarchist creed! Or rather, no mystery: Catholics today than they put you on trial, while the Islamists condemn you to death and this says a lot about the "carat" Anarchists of our own that have nothing much to do with those brave and least consistent of late nineteenth century.
But the apotheosis there was about a year ago with the use of threats, insults and physical lynching attempt by anarchists to one of our comrades (see Tales of Ordinary Madness Anarcho-FASCIST ). Moreover, given the circumstances, the conclusion could only be that of the Appeal methods squad.
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Another of the cartoons "indicted" |
What about Ennio Montesi (who will speak to the presentation of the book) and his personal creation that is " Axteismo ? It 'the expression of bourgeois individualism that is so fashionable today (Facebook, personal blogs, political parties with people's names, etc.), the apex of' self, the ego at the center of it all as a paradigm of reality. Just go to her blog to understand the "standing". Although both of these parties, never took place during the events above cited. Some years ago we had the opportunity to work with Montesi and his companion Luigi Tosti (the famous judge who has rightly refused to do its job under the crucifix, while the issue was fine judgments on behalf of the criminal law bourgeois , which then, however, was the victim), but then we were forced to break off all cooperation seen sconclusionatezza, confusion, bizarre, absurdity el'autolesionismo of this movement: in fact, just to get publicity (which is their "number" more: every opportunity we can to publicize their books) were ready to host your blog in the disturbing actions of characters and absurd as a Logica1 (to get an idea here ) or members of a certain Pagan Federation (click here to get an idea )!
In an open letter is addressed to Montesi the Berlusconi and Napolitano, with the following Poroli: "I llustri presidents, vision and trust in the objectivity of EE. VV ". What audacity! That bold words! Terms of imperial lackeys!
What to say when he published on his blog a Montesi our review of a movie (see RELIGIOLUS ) without even asking my consent, with lime to put in our code? After our complaints put his initials UAACS; to our request to put it in full, he literally terrorized by "Soviet Communism" , in addition to a series of insults and contumely email , seraphically said that in his blog " had no policy ", the typical sentence of indifference, the reactionaries and those who pretend not to know that there is no worse policy of those who say not to do! In short, a real disaster!
And what to expect from this book? Nothing new. The usual old story, dull and stale. " Without secularism, democracy is an empty box . This is the slogan of the author Michael Hammer, which you see in the poster presentation. Too bad, because it is an excellent scholar.
secularism and democracy, two cornerstones of the dogma of bourgeois! It takes courage to use terms so ambiguous, and worn out by now devoid of any meaning, so they are used safely by the same religion, the neo-fascists from the right and the clerics. The term secularism is now only shame, the cowardice and meanness of those who can not even define atheist (ie a normal man) . As for the so-called "democracy" we know well: the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie , capital, finance, and their means of communication (docet Berlusconi) who are spreading bankruptcies, wars, disasters and failures worldwide!
But on secularism and democracy we meet with Lenin words that seem written for today, while a century ago:
"denounce and tirelessly pursue the current" lackeys graduates clerical obscurantism, "whether they act as representatives of science officer or acting as snipers who call themselves journalists 'democratic left-wing or socialist ideas'. "
And again
" Particularly important is the material concerning United States of America, where the bond official, state, between religion and the capital is less apparent. But there is more clearly that the so-called "modern democracy" (before which they prostrated themselves so inconsiderately the Mensheviks, the Socialist rivoluzionaci and, in part, the anarchists) is nothing but the freedom to preach what he agrees to preach to the bourgeoisie and it should preach the most reactionary ideas, religion, obscurantism, the defense of the exploiters, and so on. "
And finally:
" The power of capital is all, the stock market is everything, while the parliament, elections, I'm a puppet play, puppet ... Only fools and knaves may think that the proletariat must first obtain a majority in the elections, the proletariat must first overthrow the bourgeoisie, then seize power: This is the dictatorship of the proletariat " .
Union for anti-religious atheism and Soviet Communism