money for reconstruction in Abruzzo and more ...
We have a serious crisis. In Italy the crisis than other countries is compounded by the tragedy that struck our brothers Abruzzo. In televised debates we only hear about people who are wondering where to get the money for reconstruction. Minister Maroni said that affected it will take about € 12 billion to rebuild the Abruzzo. We learn from the experiences past we know that at least this number could double. But we must not give up. The solution is and the money as well. We just have to get all our voice and our battle. Even against those who decry. We can recover the money in this way:
1) Obligation to return of capital from abroad by so-called tax havens.
2) Reversal of unnecessary works great, especially the Strait of Messina bridge. Tight controls on procurement of cement that has always foraging companies with Mafia rigged tenders.
3) Immediate reduction of the salaries of parliamentarians and politicians in general, like politicians (they are populists) had promised during the election campaign.
4) You got to do all of us, fighting entrenched tax evasion in Italy and in most of the Italians. If you are not sincere you can not improve. Cross-check income, lifestyle, and luxury goods in its possession.
5) To pay evasion detected, such as the € 98 billion, which alone would be enough to reconstruct 8 TIMES THE ABRUZZO, committed by the companies licenses for slot machines with the approval of AAMS and various politicians on both sides involved. If you want to lay the petition online here:
Sign the petition for the recovery of 98 billion euros.
This money would be enough to save the Abruzzo, for shocks social, avoid cuts to school, buy back Altitalia and much more ... and Advanced Pure!
computer network. Try with € 98 billion backlog and you will find a world.
Some useful links:
Article XIX Century
Artcolo Secolo XIX
Article XIX Century
Article XIX Century (about the collection of signatures)
full investigation of the nineteenth century
Article in The Republic
Videos Ferruccio Sansa journalist who has followed the history of evasion
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