But where he spent the "Berlin Wall"?
Speaking of the "Berlin Wall" are often heard making statements like: "The wall divided Berlin and Germany into two: one part was East Berlin with East Germany and West Berlin with the other West Germany. " Or: "The wall holding prisoners citizens of East Berlin (sic)."
This "common place" over the years has been fueled by obsessive litany of anti-Western media. Here's how to read, for example, a service of vintage Rai: "It 's just past midnight on August 13, 1961. The Army and the People's Militia, the Vopos, Islander East Berlin (sic), capital of the GDR, the western world, laying a barrier of barbed wire "
The Berlin Wall ... West
"Repeat a lie a hundred, a thousand, a million times and become a truth," Goebbels said that surely he meant. But in this case could simply open an old atlas to see what Berlin actually looked like a small circle divided into two in the middle of East Germany (GDR)! West Berlin was not at all part of West Germany (FRG), was near the border of which more than 100 km, but it was right in the territory of the GDR! And the wall to be built in 1961, not "held prisoner" citizens of East Berlin who could move freely throughout the territory of the GDR, but surrounded exclusively West Berlin (white semi-circle in the map)!
Stalin at the conferences of Yalta and Potsdam it was decided to split Germany into four administrative zones: Soviet, British, French and American. Despite the intransigence of the myth of Stalin's USSR, the Soviets did an incredible concession, agreed in Berlin, in the middle of their zone of control (later GDR), there were three armies of occupation of capitalist powers: the French, American and English!
To understand the enormity of the issue enough to imagine the same thing in reverse. It would have been possible, in the middle of the American occupation zone, not far from Austria and Italy, a Monaco divided into two parts, one of which is under the military control of the USSR, forever? Unthinkable!
It was a great ingenuity and a serious error, which undermined the foundations of the future state of the GDR, since the Western powers could proceed almost undisturbed by propaganda, espionage, sabotage and counter-actions, in the capital the largest socialist country in Europe.
Soviet weaknesses and the theft of the American West Berlin
The Soviets realized the error and tried several three times to lead the armies intruders to withdraw from Berlin, so that the entire city could become an integral and undivided capital of the future socialist state, but were unable to get to the bottom, because of criminal arrogance of the Americans who were willing to unleash a new world war in order to keep this imperial outpost in the midst of a socialist country.
In 1948-49, as required during the late block of West Berlin by the Soviets (or block all access roads and rail), the three armies usurpers were compelled, sooner or later, to abandon the western part of city.
With typical imperialist arrogance, Americans, British and French decided instead to bypass the lock by organizing an airlift that clearly violates the airspace and heavily the Soviet zone: 1,398 flights a day well, a real airborne invasion!
The Soviets, unfortunately, did not understand the American people that their move was tantamount to a declaration of war and who would pay the consequences, or the slaughter of all the planes had flown over the airspace under Soviet control, but allowed passively airlift, suffering a crushing humiliation.
The USSR, the first state of workers and peasants, had joined the DNA in their love for peace and humanity and was more responsible compared to the capitalist countries, on the contrary, they see in war a huge source of profits, but this innate vocation of the land of the Soviets then turned into a large weakness (the same thing will happen during the Cuban missile crisis, when it was still Once the USSR to give up in front of the unlawful U.S. naval blockade in international waters).
"The Anti-Fascist Barrier"
At this point we chose an alternative solution that is building the wall around West Berlin, the "Anti-Fascist Barrier" ("Antifaschisticher Schutzwall"), as was rightly called, perhaps in hope that the three imperialist powers occupants to abandon West Berlin. At 1:11 on August 13, 1961 the East Berlin radio aborted the transmission "Melodien zur Nacht" for an extraordinary statement:
"The governments of the states of the Warsaw Pact are addressed to Parliament and the Government of DDR to the border with West Berlin enters into force a new system that can effectively prevent any subversive activities against the socialist bloc countries, while ensuring a reliable surveillance throughout the area surrounding the western part of town. "
It could not be otherwise, given that West Berlin was Nazi regurgitant recycled, soldiers, spies and Western officials, who would not have struggled to get out of town, located in the middle of the GDR (DDR in German) and carry out their criminal plans.
This "common place" over the years has been fueled by obsessive litany of anti-Western media. Here's how to read, for example, a service of vintage Rai: "It 's just past midnight on August 13, 1961. The Army and the People's Militia, the Vopos, Islander East Berlin (sic), capital of the GDR, the western world, laying a barrier of barbed wire "
The Berlin Wall ... West

"Repeat a lie a hundred, a thousand, a million times and become a truth," Goebbels said that surely he meant. But in this case could simply open an old atlas to see what Berlin actually looked like a small circle divided into two in the middle of East Germany (GDR)! West Berlin was not at all part of West Germany (FRG), was near the border of which more than 100 km, but it was right in the territory of the GDR! And the wall to be built in 1961, not "held prisoner" citizens of East Berlin who could move freely throughout the territory of the GDR, but surrounded exclusively West Berlin (white semi-circle in the map)!
Stalin at the conferences of Yalta and Potsdam it was decided to split Germany into four administrative zones: Soviet, British, French and American. Despite the intransigence of the myth of Stalin's USSR, the Soviets did an incredible concession, agreed in Berlin, in the middle of their zone of control (later GDR), there were three armies of occupation of capitalist powers: the French, American and English!
To understand the enormity of the issue enough to imagine the same thing in reverse. It would have been possible, in the middle of the American occupation zone, not far from Austria and Italy, a Monaco divided into two parts, one of which is under the military control of the USSR, forever? Unthinkable!
It was a great ingenuity and a serious error, which undermined the foundations of the future state of the GDR, since the Western powers could proceed almost undisturbed by propaganda, espionage, sabotage and counter-actions, in the capital the largest socialist country in Europe.
Soviet weaknesses and the theft of the American West Berlin
The Soviets realized the error and tried several three times to lead the armies intruders to withdraw from Berlin, so that the entire city could become an integral and undivided capital of the future socialist state, but were unable to get to the bottom, because of criminal arrogance of the Americans who were willing to unleash a new world war in order to keep this imperial outpost in the midst of a socialist country.
In 1948-49, as required during the late block of West Berlin by the Soviets (or block all access roads and rail), the three armies usurpers were compelled, sooner or later, to abandon the western part of city.
With typical imperialist arrogance, Americans, British and French decided instead to bypass the lock by organizing an airlift that clearly violates the airspace and heavily the Soviet zone: 1,398 flights a day well, a real airborne invasion!
The Soviets, unfortunately, did not understand the American people that their move was tantamount to a declaration of war and who would pay the consequences, or the slaughter of all the planes had flown over the airspace under Soviet control, but allowed passively airlift, suffering a crushing humiliation.
The USSR, the first state of workers and peasants, had joined the DNA in their love for peace and humanity and was more responsible compared to the capitalist countries, on the contrary, they see in war a huge source of profits, but this innate vocation of the land of the Soviets then turned into a large weakness (the same thing will happen during the Cuban missile crisis, when it was still Once the USSR to give up in front of the unlawful U.S. naval blockade in international waters).
"The Anti-Fascist Barrier"
At this point we chose an alternative solution that is building the wall around West Berlin, the "Anti-Fascist Barrier" ("Antifaschisticher Schutzwall"), as was rightly called, perhaps in hope that the three imperialist powers occupants to abandon West Berlin. At 1:11 on August 13, 1961 the East Berlin radio aborted the transmission "Melodien zur Nacht" for an extraordinary statement:
"The governments of the states of the Warsaw Pact are addressed to Parliament and the Government of DDR to the border with West Berlin enters into force a new system that can effectively prevent any subversive activities against the socialist bloc countries, while ensuring a reliable surveillance throughout the area surrounding the western part of town. "
It could not be otherwise, given that West Berlin was Nazi regurgitant recycled, soldiers, spies and Western officials, who would not have struggled to get out of town, located in the middle of the GDR (DDR in German) and carry out their criminal plans.
What Lies Beneath by western propaganda
Between 1961 and 1989 twenty-seven of the GDR border soldiers were killed by gunshot. In many cases, the border guards were killed by American soldiers and police in West Berlin, but also by civilians fleeing. A special memory worth
Peter Goring and Reinhold Huhn, both killed at the Berlin Wall in 1962. Peter Goring was struck mortal-mind by a bullet coming from the West 23 May 1962 near the cemetery Invalidenstraße during an exchange of gun shots between border guards and policemen in the GDR to West Berlin because of a drain in place.
border Reinhold Huhn The soldier lost his life June 18, 1962 near Checkpoint Charlie. Reinhold kept under control while other per-sons who were entering a tunnel to escape the West, one of the fugitives drew a weapon and stabbed him to death.

The disappearance of history
All this can only make us aware of the disturbing evanescence and immateriality of our "knowledge" in the capitalist-democratic countries, because of the history, law, moral status, etc., are in fact a construction artifact that is only to the preservation of political and economic power of the bourgeoisie: distort, mystify, falsifying and manipulate the history and events is the only mission.

Sure, there were contradictions mistakes, betrayals, but in essence it was a heroic and glorious experience, gained at the expense of the lives of many comrades. Proletarian vanguard who tried the example of the Soviet Union, to create a classless society without exploitation, without privileges or in which there was no place for falsehood of religion.
"The GDR is a socialist state of workers and peasants. It is the political organization of the working population of the city and the countryside under the guidance of the working class and its Marxist-Leninist. "
(the Constitution of the GDR, 1974)
(the Constitution of the GDR, 1974)
Photo No. 3 is from Wikipedia: East Berlin, August 13, 1986, celebrations for the twenty-five years of the creation of the wall. Written on the panel: "25 Jahre antifaschisticher Schutzwall" (25 th anniversary of the Anti-Fascist Barrier)
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