Friday, April 9, 2010

Johnsons Baby Powder Ingredients

You can tell everyone ... for the Dropkick Murphys .. something has changed!

Honestly, the Dropkick Murphys I have never made a fool .. but despite this I always felt respect for their work having the care, attention to detail, the diversity that has always characterized them.

be because it was said that around this trip to Cuba with Brondi Vasco (aka Le Luci Della Centrale Elettrica ) something had changed, or rather "left" ...
be because there were those who claimed to have recently spotted some unusual dreads behind those masks ...
will also be because only fools never change his mind ...
will be for many reasons, or none (it is not necessary that there is always one) ... that a few weeks ago I decided to buy their latest CD, "Primitives for the future" .

And while I was there, in the car, and I thought that I was listening to what is uncommon to hear the voice of Toffolo scroll so slow / slow and so melodic, it stridesse the usual melancholy of TARM sits softly on those rhythms solar holiday ... here that, almost without realizing it, the tracks began to repeat itself .. a, two, three times ... and I found myself completely mesmerized by those dub rhythms to sing choruses which seem always

On Air: You can tell everybody
On Air: The Cathedral of Palermo

phrases that remain:
"Have you ever tried a guitar? / a urlarci inside your misery Have you ever tried a guitar? / Test now enter into "
" If something of mine will remain between the teeth / do not cry because, Then, the digest


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