Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov
(Lenin) - No 3 "Pod znameniem Marxism" (Under the banner of Marxism), March 12, 1922.
The most striking case was that of Cardinal Hans Hermann Groër, archbishop of Vienna who abused several minors. The bishop, conservative, had begun teaching a boy how "clean his penis to prevent infection 'during the shower ... Thirteen months after receiving the first complaint against Groër, John Paul II appointed him archbishop of Vienna, the Austrian Catholic Church's highest office ...
the evening of April 2, 2005, John Paul II, the main defender and supporter of the pederast Groër, died at the age of eighty-five years, after twenty-six, ten months and seventeen seasons at the helm of the Catholic Church. The pontificate of John Paul II inherited a political intransigence, contrary to reconsider their position on clerical celibacy, marriage between homosexuals, abortion, embryo research, on birth control and the priesthood women. Also retained a pyramidal structure, rigid and closed, the ecclesiastical hierarchy, similar in every respect the most rigorous of the absolute monarchies, that of Louis XIV, the Sun King ...
addition, the claim had to silence , paying large sums of money, the scandal of sexual abuse of children by priests for decades. None of the culprits was expelled from the Church. Without doubt, a great example for a pope who many would already close to the sublime goal of canonization. Holy now! ...
In this regard, circulating a joke: "In a beautiful terrace with pool around the Vatican, flooded a colorful sunset in Rome, is John Paul II. The pope wears a spotless white dress and walk along the railing, with a martini glass in hand. Suddenly, watching the sky and sarcastically asks, 'What if there really? Ah, ah, ah. But that comes to mind! ' Then John Paul II back to reality and, in a single gulp, emptying his glass after the toast heaven
(from "The Popes and sex" by Eric Frattini, Ponte alle Grazie; quote Lenin by dell'UAACS)
UAACS - Union for the anti-religious atheism and Soviet Communism
(soon new content on the site http://www.antireligione.it/ )