Ladies and Mr Berlusconi esarcebato. We have to know. The Magistatura haunts him. He is a poor victim. Recall that the Italian Constitution is not guilty until the third instance. All true. Unfortunately for the prime minister there is still someone who the news reports (including those processes never went through the port ad personam "laws, or simply gone in prescription). While Mills's lawyer, bribed by Mr Berlusconi with a "donation" of $ 600,000, has so far passed the first instance with a conviction, it is also true that we have to wait for the final ruling. It is also undisputed that the discussions that are developing are useless. Unnecessary because they saw the Alfano and the inability to proceed against the "hypothetical" corruptor, everything will once again barred. The President of the Republic from the Hill, has done virtually nothing to block the entry into force of this award is completely unconstitutional. Since we are obliged to respect the Constitution, I wish they did the others. The unconstitutionality of the award in question is obvious. Read for yourself. This is the third article of our Constitution:
Article 3.
All citizens have equal social dignity and are equal before the law, without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinion, or personal and social.
is the duty of the Republic to remove obstacles to economic and social nature which constrain the freedom and equality of citizens, prevent the full development of the human person and the effective participation of all workers in the political, economic and social development of the country.
Grillo, in my view rightly, considered it appropriate to ask who should take to protect the rights of Italians equals five sempici questions:
1. Why did you sign the Lodo Alfano allowing impunity to Silvio Berlusconi in the process Mills? 2.Why car is not excluded from the Lodo Alfano, since you are not charged with crimes? 3.Perché signed the Lodo Alfano in a day when instead he could send it back to the houses? Lodo Alfano 4.Why signed without consultation with the Constitutional Court for a preliminary opinion? 5.Perché signed the Lodo Alfano, knowing that he had previously been rejected by the Constitutional Court Ruling Schifani which is a photocopy of the Lodo Alfano?
President Napolitano has been good enough to respond. But unfortunately, as politicians often do, answered by a kind of newspeak supercazzola in legal language. Il Corriere della Sera reports the response the President. If anyone has understood what he told me, contact me and explain it. I am too ignorant to understand ...
Meanwhile, Berlusconi talks about the conflict of interests Gandus that his view is biased against him, forgetting that the undisputed emperor of the conflict of interest is himself. Even the prime minister, to make it clear to us that italioti wrong not to believe him, there arises the question: would you ever arbitrate the derby milan-inter to Mourinho? I answer honestly that no, I would. But I would not like for example that the appointment of top Rai were made by politicians. Especially garde that majority did not that has at its summit, the owner of the competing networks of RAI. If someone were to ask an example of how one can lead astray the minds of the people and how dangerous this man, show them the video of how the news of the sentence gave Mills the news of Italy 1, Open Studio. Large Size of pluralist information in the service of Prime Minister without conflict ...
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