Viareggio Italy
One of the best ways to measure the degree of civilization of a country is to look at its network transport. In particular you should look at the value for money. What do you think? Highways with construction sites for 30 years given away to private that the only jobs are those that are specific to the toll increase and the prices of consumer goods in the motorway services of their property. Rail commuters in shambles when sardines are reduced to fighting for a seat against ticks and cockroaches in an hour of walking routes that often turn into odysseys of hours. National airline sold off, no longer functional but that still has one of the world's most expensive route (Milan-Rome). Due to the Italians and profits as Friend entrepreneurs. Italian capitalism. The results of this shambles Who pays them? We pay them, often with our lives. We are a nation in Europe with the highest number of deaths in road accidents. In airports and train stations is now forced overnight custom required. We have a serious train crash at least once or twice a year. A few days ago there was a train accident, fortunately not with the consequences of Viareggio. In contrast to everything we have high speed that will cost us about 10 times more than in other countries, and will be the prerogative of a select few. We have flight status for friends and girlfriends. We have politicians who do not pay the ticket by train, plane and on all public transportation services that still do not use ever because both use the blue car as they were for personal commissions. We have media who simply make a chronicle of tragedies and never inform on what really caused these tragedies. We will not pay senior executives but rather will be promoted or take key money spinner. In a word we have in Italy.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Electric-box Level 26
A "man" incorruptible ...
The network memory. That memory all these years we have lost. Of course much of the blame for all this is ours. Assume our responsibility for allowing this and roll up our sleeves. Disclose the truth. Watch the video and then read. Here's what he said Augusto
Minzolini, now Director of TG1, October 29, 1994 after tangentopoli:
The network memory. That memory all these years we have lost. Of course much of the blame for all this is ours. Assume our responsibility for allowing this and roll up our sleeves. Disclose the truth. Watch the video and then read. Here's what he said Augusto
Minzolini, now Director of TG1, October 29, 1994 after tangentopoli:
"The repeated denials only prove that we have a new political class that has not yet assimilated the fact that a politician is a public man in every moment of his day and that he must act and speak as such. The renewal of the Italian Parliament is also a sociological phenomenon, which the press must give account: I never forget that my reference is the reader and not the political and that my job is to represent it as is, without mediation. " They are also in his private aspects? It 'just poking into the intimate life of those who govern us, it is useful? "Four years ago, and that in very difficult times, I wrote that the appointment of Giampaolo Sodano Rai was born from the salons of Gbr, television Anja Pieroni. Today I think if we had told most of the private lives of political leaders may not we arrived at tangentopoli, maybe we would have had to change or to leave. It was not a good service for our country fair play: we simply sin of hypocrisy. Anja Pieroni always knew everything and was not just a character of life intimate Craxi. The distinction between public and private Manichaean: again, a politician should know that every aspect of his life is public. If you do not accept this rule waives the right to do the political '.
Augusto Minzolini
Here is the full article. Thursday, June 18, 2009
Emily Haines Hairstyle
not my fault if you play Italy today!
the average Italian usually with family and children, goes to church every Sunday. After the Holy Mass is the game of football. In the evening a nice plate of spaghetti or pizza while watching the football match is postponed and, late at night, you can taste the special on the championship balloon.
During the week however you look at door-to-matrix, and BallarĂ² Annozero. We quarrel about this or that government depending on the football team that you belong to pardon ... depending on the political party to which they belong in (because if you still do not understand we belong to him), it comes to plastic and plastic faces and they all seem to be concerned and outraged, but nothing changes. We float in our stupidity and ignorance, believing that this or that delegate to the party sooner or later things will change. We rely on others to save ourselves. He is trying to help even the foreign press but it seems that they too have been corrupted by someone to speak ill of our government ...
If you hear any talk about an Italian in a bar at any time the blame for all this time to float is the communists and fascists at other times is Niribu. Never once is the fault of the Italians that these people continue to vote. It is never the fault of those who do or do not speak without thinking. We are like hamsters running in their tipper. We complain when we are at the limit. If no water or food. We propose revolutions, but then instead of them out of the cage and we do a little bribe for new water (from tap rusty) and a few rotten piece of lettuce ... and then off to run on the wheel ... there is always the game of football ...
Being Italian is nice because it means never having faults. The fault is always of others.
Think how lucky we have ... for example, were to be Iranian today with a dictator, the government would have to take to the streets to hear the voice of the people, but you know what a drag! We can not miss the Confederations Cup ... eccheccazzo!

the average Italian usually with family and children, goes to church every Sunday. After the Holy Mass is the game of football. In the evening a nice plate of spaghetti or pizza while watching the football match is postponed and, late at night, you can taste the special on the championship balloon.
During the week however you look at door-to-matrix, and BallarĂ² Annozero. We quarrel about this or that government depending on the football team that you belong to pardon ... depending on the political party to which they belong in (because if you still do not understand we belong to him), it comes to plastic and plastic faces and they all seem to be concerned and outraged, but nothing changes. We float in our stupidity and ignorance, believing that this or that delegate to the party sooner or later things will change. We rely on others to save ourselves. He is trying to help even the foreign press but it seems that they too have been corrupted by someone to speak ill of our government ...
If you hear any talk about an Italian in a bar at any time the blame for all this time to float is the communists and fascists at other times is Niribu. Never once is the fault of the Italians that these people continue to vote. It is never the fault of those who do or do not speak without thinking. We are like hamsters running in their tipper. We complain when we are at the limit. If no water or food. We propose revolutions, but then instead of them out of the cage and we do a little bribe for new water (from tap rusty) and a few rotten piece of lettuce ... and then off to run on the wheel ... there is always the game of football ...
Being Italian is nice because it means never having faults. The fault is always of others.
Think how lucky we have ... for example, were to be Iranian today with a dictator, the government would have to take to the streets to hear the voice of the people, but you know what a drag! We can not miss the Confederations Cup ... eccheccazzo!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Dialysis And Liver And Cancer
The economic crisis there. Kaka says ...
It may seem strange that you talk about football, but this is a story that, if analyzed from a sporting point of view it is very interesting. These are the first statements to the press by Kaka, also well the former champions AC Milan to newspapers:
blame for the crisis. Kaka has chosen to speak only after the official announcement. " My intention was to continue in Milan - he explained - but the economic crisis hit the company very Football, especially those like Milan. I then spoke with the Rossoneri and came to the conclusion that the best thing for all it was my transfer. My professional ties with AC Milan have ended, but the emotional bond will never end. Milan had never experienced a crisis like the one that is going through now and had to make this sacrifice, I think the club has no guilt. I understand perfectly well the position of Milan . "Kaka has denied that his choice is derived from a monetary issue," because I received higher bids, "he said, referring to the winter advances of Manchester City. Full Article here.
The former president also well Kaka, who is still president of all the Italan, declares that among the causes of the decline of his party to the European Union there is also the departure of that Kaka would have infuriated thousands of voters Rossoneri. What can I say. I once in a while I agree with the premier. You are quite right. In fact that's why the announcement of the departure of star players has been delayed until after the election, it's not fool the premier. The Italians who went to vote and still do so in the future you deserve the government they had, they have and will for years to come. We are a nation that gives the ball a vote on issues when there is good football. When it goes wrong it gives for a shopping bag because there is no crisis ... or rather there for us, as the prime minister says we must continue to spend and think positive, but there is for him, as well as Kaka said that instead of spending can easily collect ... Meanwhile in Milan after the departure of Maldini is thrown headlong into the market. There is talk of a defender from the big name ... Cesare Maldini ... know the times they run save is a must (not for us of course).
My advice to Italian politicians is to take example by Berlusconi. The policy of the square in Italy is over. Now the meetings are made in stages before the starting whistle ... league and good for everyone.
It may seem strange that you talk about football, but this is a story that, if analyzed from a sporting point of view it is very interesting. These are the first statements to the press by Kaka, also well the former champions AC Milan to newspapers:
blame for the crisis. Kaka has chosen to speak only after the official announcement. " My intention was to continue in Milan - he explained - but the economic crisis hit the company very Football, especially those like Milan. I then spoke with the Rossoneri and came to the conclusion that the best thing for all it was my transfer. My professional ties with AC Milan have ended, but the emotional bond will never end. Milan had never experienced a crisis like the one that is going through now and had to make this sacrifice, I think the club has no guilt. I understand perfectly well the position of Milan . "Kaka has denied that his choice is derived from a monetary issue," because I received higher bids, "he said, referring to the winter advances of Manchester City. Full Article here.
The former president also well Kaka, who is still president of all the Italan, declares that among the causes of the decline of his party to the European Union there is also the departure of that Kaka would have infuriated thousands of voters Rossoneri. What can I say. I once in a while I agree with the premier. You are quite right. In fact that's why the announcement of the departure of star players has been delayed until after the election, it's not fool the premier. The Italians who went to vote and still do so in the future you deserve the government they had, they have and will for years to come. We are a nation that gives the ball a vote on issues when there is good football. When it goes wrong it gives for a shopping bag because there is no crisis ... or rather there for us, as the prime minister says we must continue to spend and think positive, but there is for him, as well as Kaka said that instead of spending can easily collect ... Meanwhile in Milan after the departure of Maldini is thrown headlong into the market. There is talk of a defender from the big name ... Cesare Maldini ... know the times they run save is a must (not for us of course).
My advice to Italian politicians is to take example by Berlusconi. The policy of the square in Italy is over. Now the meetings are made in stages before the starting whistle ... league and good for everyone.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Decorative Bunny Cage
Parish Bulletin ...
I want on my blog to give voice Scarmoncin Franco, pastor of the town of Albignasego Mandriola community. No news organization so far has dealt with this outburst. Not that we expected something different from the Italian press ... Carryover from church bulletin of May 20 which can be downloaded in full here .
People are asked to tighten their belts and make sacrifices while political leaders of Railways, ENAC (ex Alitalia), Bank of Italy, the large national companies, members of parliament Europe, public administrators are doing great.
The head of government in recent days has authorized the purchase of 131 new fighter bombers for a total expenditure of 13 billion euro ... because it must look good before the world: are we a 'formidable military power.
For November, the Prime Minister Berlusconi will give everyone the miracle of the earthquake for a new home. How to say "balls" so enormous and still find people who believe him ... God only knows!
Berlusconi will happen when you take away the middle, things will be much worse than when he assumed power. It will say it is not able to do more and better because he has not had enough time, or that the opposition prevented him from realizing his plans ... or who has had upon all communists ... enemies of God and his Messiah (himself). "His projects there is no doubt that in the meantime they have made ... is that it has made "our." What I am asking for some years is: how do people not realize the situation where this government is hunting us?
I do not take it with the head of government, he does his job as an entrepreneur interested in defending his property, opportunistic snake oil salesmen, megalomaniacal psychopath, jokes and "ballista" like few others ... He should stay in jail and instead we find the head of government ... I do not take it with Berlusconi, his boundless pride makes him live in a world in which he believes to be at the top and the center of the universe .... I do not take it with him! Is clear: as long as the clapping and makes money even with the job he does (the only one in Italy for having won 156 million euro last year, unlike all the other Italian) suits his hold on the chair that takes up ... I do not take it with him ...
I take it with all the henchmen, the leccacu ... homunculi obedient prostrate at his feet, the professionals of flattery and the most abject servility, the contortionists manipulators of the truth, grim figures of public immorality, close your eyes, silenced his conscience, denying the evidence and preventing that you get to know ... I take it with national news and programs Rai pulling the sprint to Mediaset, the stupidity and immorality that ooze. I take it with a deluge of characters mean and without honor: Emilio Fede, Bruno Vespa, Nice Peter, Mimun, Victor Felts, Gianni Riotta, Mario Giordano, Confalonieri, Paolo Bonaiuti, Bondi, Cicchitto, Gasparri, Renato Schifani ... countless journalists, businessmen and parliamentarians who consistently defend him, denying the evidence of the facts ... all the minions in adoration before him, kidnapped by his word.
All these people deserve to be (steps exaggeration) "shot" ... because they can not be smarter than me and can not see what is obvious to a blind man.
I want on my blog to give voice Scarmoncin Franco, pastor of the town of Albignasego Mandriola community. No news organization so far has dealt with this outburst. Not that we expected something different from the Italian press ... Carryover from church bulletin of May 20 which can be downloaded in full here .
People are asked to tighten their belts and make sacrifices while political leaders of Railways, ENAC (ex Alitalia), Bank of Italy, the large national companies, members of parliament Europe, public administrators are doing great.
The head of government in recent days has authorized the purchase of 131 new fighter bombers for a total expenditure of 13 billion euro ... because it must look good before the world: are we a 'formidable military power.
For November, the Prime Minister Berlusconi will give everyone the miracle of the earthquake for a new home. How to say "balls" so enormous and still find people who believe him ... God only knows!
Berlusconi will happen when you take away the middle, things will be much worse than when he assumed power. It will say it is not able to do more and better because he has not had enough time, or that the opposition prevented him from realizing his plans ... or who has had upon all communists ... enemies of God and his Messiah (himself). "His projects there is no doubt that in the meantime they have made ... is that it has made "our." What I am asking for some years is: how do people not realize the situation where this government is hunting us?
I do not take it with the head of government, he does his job as an entrepreneur interested in defending his property, opportunistic snake oil salesmen, megalomaniacal psychopath, jokes and "ballista" like few others ... He should stay in jail and instead we find the head of government ... I do not take it with Berlusconi, his boundless pride makes him live in a world in which he believes to be at the top and the center of the universe .... I do not take it with him! Is clear: as long as the clapping and makes money even with the job he does (the only one in Italy for having won 156 million euro last year, unlike all the other Italian) suits his hold on the chair that takes up ... I do not take it with him ...
I take it with all the henchmen, the leccacu ... homunculi obedient prostrate at his feet, the professionals of flattery and the most abject servility, the contortionists manipulators of the truth, grim figures of public immorality, close your eyes, silenced his conscience, denying the evidence and preventing that you get to know ... I take it with national news and programs Rai pulling the sprint to Mediaset, the stupidity and immorality that ooze. I take it with a deluge of characters mean and without honor: Emilio Fede, Bruno Vespa, Nice Peter, Mimun, Victor Felts, Gianni Riotta, Mario Giordano, Confalonieri, Paolo Bonaiuti, Bondi, Cicchitto, Gasparri, Renato Schifani ... countless journalists, businessmen and parliamentarians who consistently defend him, denying the evidence of the facts ... all the minions in adoration before him, kidnapped by his word.
All these people deserve to be (steps exaggeration) "shot" ... because they can not be smarter than me and can not see what is obvious to a blind man.
Don Franco Scarmoncin
Thanks Don Franco.
Mr. Bonobo
Mr. Bonobo
Monday, June 1, 2009
Design My Own Wedding Online Free
July 19: demonstration in Palermo S. Borsellino
to July 19 this year, will be a Sunday, as 17 years ago, I'm planning something that prevents those jackals occupying our institutions and every year come in via D'Amelio to feign sympathy and to make sure that Paul is really dead, to repeat their rituals of death.
cry out to them to go to place their wreaths on the grave to eat, and that "their hero.
I hope that we are many, and all with a red diary in hand to remember the mysteries that still weigh on Via D'Amelio, the processes that are stopped as soon as they touch the "untouchables", the sponsors of this assassination. From
Via D'Amelio, with that agenda in hand, we're going to Utveggio Castle, the place from which a hand, which was not the hand of a mob but who with the Mafia has made a commitment villain, sent the command that has torn apart Paul and his escort.
One day of our lives for Paul and his team, who have sacrificed their lives for us.
will be the starting day of our resistance,
a resistance that will be made of actions and not just words,
a resistance that will make us regain possession of our country and our future
Salvatore Borsellino
I have no more heroes. We are tired of commemoration. We just want to live. Mr.
Salvatore Borsellino - Piazza Farnese - Roma 28/01/2009: Part
to July 19 this year, will be a Sunday, as 17 years ago, I'm planning something that prevents those jackals occupying our institutions and every year come in via D'Amelio to feign sympathy and to make sure that Paul is really dead, to repeat their rituals of death.
cry out to them to go to place their wreaths on the grave to eat, and that "their hero.
I hope that we are many, and all with a red diary in hand to remember the mysteries that still weigh on Via D'Amelio, the processes that are stopped as soon as they touch the "untouchables", the sponsors of this assassination. From
Via D'Amelio, with that agenda in hand, we're going to Utveggio Castle, the place from which a hand, which was not the hand of a mob but who with the Mafia has made a commitment villain, sent the command that has torn apart Paul and his escort.
One day of our lives for Paul and his team, who have sacrificed their lives for us.
will be the starting day of our resistance,
a resistance that will be made of actions and not just words,
a resistance that will make us regain possession of our country and our future
Salvatore Borsellino
I have no more heroes. We are tired of commemoration. We just want to live. Mr.
Salvatore Borsellino - Piazza Farnese - Roma 28/01/2009: Part
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