Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Decorative Bunny Cage

Parish Bulletin ...

I want on my blog to give voice Scarmoncin Franco, pastor of the town of Albignasego Mandriola community. No news organization so far has dealt with this outburst. Not that we expected something different from the Italian press ... Carryover from church bulletin of May 20 which can be downloaded in full here .

People are asked to tighten their belts and make sacrifices while political leaders of Railways, ENAC (ex Alitalia), Bank of Italy, the large national companies, members of parliament Europe, public administrators are doing great.

The head of government in recent days has authorized the purchase of 131 new fighter bombers for a total expenditure of 13 billion euro ... because it must look good before the world: are we a 'formidable military power.

For November, the Prime Minister Berlusconi will give everyone the miracle of the earthquake for a new home. How to say "balls" so enormous and still find people who believe him ... God only knows!

Berlusconi will happen when you take away the middle, things will be much worse than when he assumed power. It will say it is not able to do more and better because he has not had enough time, or that the opposition prevented him from realizing his plans ... or who has had upon all communists ... enemies of God and his Messiah (himself). "His projects there is no doubt that in the meantime they have made ... is that it has made "our." What I am asking for some years is: how do people not realize the situation where this government is hunting us?

I do not take it with the head of government, he does his job as an entrepreneur interested in defending his property, opportunistic snake oil salesmen, megalomaniacal psychopath, jokes and "ballista" like few others ... He should stay in jail and instead we find the head of government ... I do not take it with Berlusconi, his boundless pride makes him live in a world in which he believes to be at the top and the center of the universe .... I do not take it with him! Is clear: as long as the clapping and makes money even with the job he does (the only one in Italy for having won 156 million euro last year, unlike all the other Italian) suits his hold on the chair that takes up ... I do not take it with him ...

I take it with all the henchmen, the leccacu ... homunculi obedient prostrate at his feet, the professionals of flattery and the most abject servility, the contortionists manipulators of the truth, grim figures of public immorality, close your eyes, silenced his conscience, denying the evidence and preventing that you get to know ... I take it with national news and programs Rai pulling the sprint to Mediaset, the stupidity and immorality that ooze. I take it with a deluge of characters mean and without honor: Emilio Fede, Bruno Vespa, Nice Peter, Mimun, Victor Felts, Gianni Riotta, Mario Giordano, Confalonieri, Paolo Bonaiuti, Bondi, Cicchitto, Gasparri, Renato Schifani ... countless journalists, businessmen and parliamentarians who consistently defend him, denying the evidence of the facts ... all the minions in adoration before him, kidnapped by his word.
All these people deserve to be (steps exaggeration) "shot" ... because they can not be smarter than me and can not see what is obvious to a blind man.

Don Franco Scarmoncin

Thanks Don Franco.
Mr. Bonobo


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