The network memory. That memory all these years we have lost. Of course much of the blame for all this is ours. Assume our responsibility for allowing this and roll up our sleeves. Disclose the truth. Watch the video and then read. Here's what he said Augusto
Minzolini, now Director of TG1, October 29, 1994 after tangentopoli:
"The repeated denials only prove that we have a new political class that has not yet assimilated the fact that a politician is a public man in every moment of his day and that he must act and speak as such. The renewal of the Italian Parliament is also a sociological phenomenon, which the press must give account: I never forget that my reference is the reader and not the political and that my job is to represent it as is, without mediation. " They are also in his private aspects? It 'just poking into the intimate life of those who govern us, it is useful? "Four years ago, and that in very difficult times, I wrote that the appointment of Giampaolo Sodano Rai was born from the salons of Gbr, television Anja Pieroni. Today I think if we had told most of the private lives of political leaders may not we arrived at tangentopoli, maybe we would have had to change or to leave. It was not a good service for our country fair play: we simply sin of hypocrisy. Anja Pieroni always knew everything and was not just a character of life intimate Craxi. The distinction between public and private Manichaean: again, a politician should know that every aspect of his life is public. If you do not accept this rule waives the right to do the political '.
Augusto Minzolini
Here is the full article.
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