Once upon a time the Fossil Museum (and there will be yet)
opening still on standby. The commissioner Marabissi: "By 2010, we are waiting for a regional grant for exterior work." Work started in March 2003 to 3 million €, co-financed with European funds
The sign "Work in progress" work in progress, is still affixed to the facade, above a cornice blue interspersed with white smudges. Refers to the event on 8 May, in full electoral environment, the state of the art of the Paleontological Museum named for Louis Bolduc, who between mid-60s and half of '90 has brought to light by the activity of thousands of fossil excavation of lignite in the basin Pietrafitta. The doors of the museum are open the day before the highest institutional authorities, project partners: Region, Province, Valnestore Development, the two municipalities that participate in society (specially made), and Mountain Community Superintendent. At that time were evident
lighted the important perspectives that will open to this structure, built from scratch to accommodate the fossil Valnestore and a candidate to join the network of museums in Umbria and welcome center for the recovery of fossils at regions. 8th May, however, the doors are still closed and 2010 opens with the anticipation of a ribbon-cutting ceremony indefinitely, without any certain date. The interior, from about 220 000 €, is well advanced but the "big game," said the commissioner in the Culture and Tourism Miriam Marabissi are the external works. "Right now, paleontologists are completing the construction of the panels that reconstruct the history of the exhibits in the glass case, knew that the initial project plan on the regional funding was only for internal work. The arrangement of the square we are thinking with the International Society Valnestore, expect a contribution, pending approval by the Region for the proposed project. " Today it is surrounded by a layer of gravel in the front yard and grass at the rear, where he still sees some gap to be filled at the base of the structure. The property is owned by Valnestore Development, who is also the direction of the work, bears the signature of Fabrizio Fabbroni and from what we read in the plaque affixed to the wall, the museum was financed by EU funds. The front of the first section, following the construction work, amounting to over 3 million and 280 thousand euro, of which one million made available by the Region, € 774 thousand and a million by the province's own resources 505mila € Valnestore development (in its subsidiary time in the Mountain Community, Province and the Municipalities of Panicale and Piegaro). Work started March 24, 2003 and included the ribbon cutting sixteen months later, ie in autumn 2004. In fact, from what we read in a technical report, the work was completed in mid-summer 2007. In the basement you can still see the glass building materials ready for use, but these local technical purpose will be part of an additional bit of the "work in progress".
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