M'illumino LESS IN THE PIAZZA AND THE RESTAURANT L 'Pievesi administration proposes initiatives to raise awareness of alternative sources - nine task bars and restaurants will be alum from Lombardy candle from 18 to 24 Città della Pieve
City of Perugino "illuminates less" for the party of clean energy-related Caterpillar campaign launched by the radio broadcast of Radio 2, including action against energy waste and dinners by candlelight. The appointment is for tomorrow and will see Piazza Plebiscito at the forefront of the local administration in collaboration with the local Circolo Arci, the Professional Women's Association The Rose Institute, but also private citizens and the provincial capital. Starting will be presented by the 18 virtuous actions put in place by the local authority on energy, the Teatro dei Macci will follow up readings, the association Women Squad will present dances in a circle while students and faculty of the Professional Institute will present the European project " Energy Education School Governance "developed in the previous months under the auspices of the Mountain Community: includes the creation of an energy manifesto for schools on good energy practices, a system of verification and energy management in schools, with the setting up of forums school from which to develop action plans to reduce fuel consumption by 20% by March 2011. To 20 will be off the public lighting in the main streets and squares of the historic center and from 18 to 24 atmospheres cakes and dinners by candlelight in nine bars and restaurants participating.
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