For the second edition of a huge crowd and confetti but without forgetting the friends are gone. The district dedicates a wagon Trasimena Gabriele Caprai.
The weather has put his hat on the "Carnival Parade" in its second year that Sunday has gathered a large audience from around the district, before the streets of downtown and then to the Palace Sports.
The event, organized by "Pro Loco" with the patronage of the field has seen in four cars, driven by children dressed and accompanied by a reproduction of the Flintstones' car, the famous ancestors launched by Hanna Barbera, and bee colored beverages distributed to participants. Among the floats returned to pull the boat with the pirates, in memory of Gabriele Caprai, twenty-five died last April in a car accident. They wanted to present it anew his closest friends in the ward "Trasimeno" in memory of the form that the young man was dressed in the previous edition (the first) of the Carnival. Afterwards he also paraded the wagon "Puffilandia", dedicated to the world of fairy tales and even fourth representative of the forest and nature. Among confetti and cheer, there have been occasions sweet mouth-watering: the cultural association female CFSP prepared cakes and pastries while Avis Social Initiatives and the Center has offered sandwiches with roast pork. But Carnival does not end here. Solidarity takes on Saturday, February 13 with the traditional New Year's Eve charity organized by the local section of blood donors.

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