Thursday, December 23, 2010

Free Sets Kate Tiffany


And here comes the special wishes of "Merry Christmas" by Monty Python!
From the movie "The sense of life "is always Christmas in paradise!

Although this is a film created by a group of British comedians very unconventional, by force of circumstances have always been well integrated in the world largely empty and dissolute, the show, so do not be surprised by the fact that sometimes they let themselves go to scenes decadent, lascivious and gruesome (it's written in the DNA of the bourgeoisie), but we can not recognize their genius, their technical perfection and their great courage.

In their film took apart piece by piece all the bastions of the criminal clerical-bourgeois morality, in particular the English, well represented by the final sketch, in which "the unveiling" of the meaning of life seems a perfect description of the feel-good, politically correct propaganda of the capitalist bourgeoisie which of course it does not provide class conflicts, they use, nor rebellion, but a picture of bucolic and all surreal life: "Be gentle with others, do not eat fat, read a good (?) book, take walks and try to live in peace and harmony with people of every faith and nation."

The perfect combination of lies and lies that every day there propinano servants and jesters of liberal democracies, or the dictatorship of capital!

Happy Winter Solstice!

UAACS - Union for the anti-religious atheism and Soviet Communism

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Perfect Broiled Strip Loin Steak


The tale of "baby Jesus", the god baby born of a virgin, as well as being a product of the imagination, an invention is by no means original. In fact Christianity, one of the many Jewish sects born about two thousand years ago in Palestine, in creating their own dire tales literally plagiarized the religious myths of the past.

Sometimes, by "small" lies can
born large collective madness ...!
Many centuries before the birth of the Christian religion, in some neighboring countries to Palestine, the gods who personified the myth of the Sun God, born of a virgin on December 25 (Winter Solstice), died and rose again on March 23 to 25 (Spring Equinox, or the "Easter" Christian).

In fact, the Winter Solstice is the December 21 to 22, which has the longest night and shortest day of the year, but then the days begin to lengthen and the sun seems to be "born again".
Populations oldest in the world, unable to give a scientific explanation but instinctively aware of the importance of the sun for life, they built any kind of religious myths and legends.
In Persia, the most ancient sun god Mithras who was married as Anahita (which is the Immaculate), hence also of course the Christian legend of the "Virgin Mary". Following Mitra become Tammuz in Babylon, Osiris in Egypt, in Syria Adonis, Attis in Phrygia, Hercules, Bacchus, Apollo in Greece, Sol Invictus in the Roman Empire and finally ... Jesus in Palestine!

The ultimate goal, how far, is to abolish the Christian holidays of Christmas and to establish the feast of the Winter Solstice on 21 and 22 December. The way to achieve this goal is long, but we must begin to build it. Here are some practical strategies to begin to demolish the Christian Christmas and take back the party that has been hijacked:
All religions - Islam, and cristianaesimo
Judaism in the first place - are created and used
castes military, economic and religious
to exploit masses to their advantage.
1) family, the workplace, among friends, in their own group, the place of political activism never accept my best wishes for a Merry Christmas, but ; always respond promptly and decisively: "Christmas? But what's that? If anything, "Happy Winter Solstice" or "Happy Holidays"! "And explain the ancient origins of this feast and its real meaning natural and human, not religious.

2) Purge the party from any religious reference or doing just the decorated tree and not the Christian nativity scene, nativity scene more than a lay person or destroying any religious symbols in it.

3) To challenge the presence of Christian nativity scenes, religious functions and rituals in public and state and press again for the mere presence decorated tree.

4) All associations atheist, secular and anticlerical make a single bill that calls for the restoration of the millennial celebration of the winter solstice in the secular dates 21:22 December.

5) Given that the historical conditions for approval of such a law will require many battles and is very long, in the meantime, who can always required by the employer one or two days leave the 21 or Dec. 22 because of philosophical beliefs Personal: Given that in Italy there are already some cases shameful to grant rest days for Muslims during Ramadan, just as atheists we must try to blow up the whole legal system of religious privileges , asking the same treatment in all respects, and then ask for total abolition.

6) We invite all readers to send us more concrete proposals to dismantle the socially and culturally Christian Christmas and new ideas to restore the recurrence of the winter solstice: will be published always in a special article on our site.

Enough with the insane lie of the native Christian, a harbinger of many tragedies for humanity! Take back our millennium, and especially lay tangible Winter Solstice!

panel 1: dell'UAACS text, drawing taken from the vernacular - panel 2: text and design dell'UAACS

UAACS - Union for the anti-religious atheism and Soviet Communism

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

J. C. Penny Credit Card


The solar cults in the northern hemisphere

INTRODUCTION AND 'written in "New Catholic Encyclopedia," the Franciscan Order (ed.1941): "... that seems inexplicable to the date of Christ's birth is unknown. The Gospels do not indicate neither the day nor the year ";" was assigned the date of the winter solstice because on that day when the Sun begins its return to northern skies, the pagans who worshiped Mithras celebrated the Dies Natalis Solis Invicti "(the birthday of the invincible sun)."

Since it is astonishing that the main holidays of the West, and widely celebrated in many parts of the world has to support such an imprecise historical record, we went to investigate, with an open mind to new, documentation and we have made surprising discoveries about ...

publish the unique and incomparable Luigi Ambrosi article: a treasure trove of documents, images and historical artifacts on the genesis of so-called Christmas, a tradition much "Human" and far from transcendent , which actually has more than 5000 years ...

Happy reading!

UAACS - Union for the anti-religious atheism and Soviet Communism

Green Green Episode 13 Eng Sub


To understand the significance originating in the crib, it is necessary to clarify the role of particular (Latin lar, "hearth", derived from the Etruscan lar, "father"), deeply rooted in the Etruscan and Latin several centuries before the birth of Christianity.

The lari (lares familiares) were the deceased ancestors, according to the Roman traditions, keeping watch on the proper conduct of the family. Each ancestor was represented by a statue of clay or wax, called sigillum .

The statues were placed in special niches and, on special occasions, honored with the lighting of a flame (an ancient reference to the tradition of contemporary illuminations) . Near the winter solstice is the festival that Sigillaria (December 20) , during which the relatives exchanged as gifts the "seal" (statuettes) of deceased relatives during 'year.

Waiting for the party, the task of children of families gathered in the patriarchal house, was to polish the statuettes and arrange them according to their imagination, in a small enclosure in which it was a miniature bucolic setting (hence the name "crib ", from Latin prae = first and saepes = hedge).

the eve of the feast, before the walls of the crib, the family gathered to invoke the protection of their ancestors and leave bowls with food and wine. The next morning, instead of the bowls, children were toys and cakes, "taken" by their deceased grandparents and great-grandparents (apparent genesis of today's "Santa Claus", but St. Nicholas!) .

After taking power in the empire (IV century), in a few centuries Christians transmuted, by force and oppression, the traditional festivals in Christian holidays, while maintaining the rituals and dates, but changing the names and religious meanings.

Being a very ancient tradition, and particularly strong (because it faces the memory of deceased relatives), the rural culture survived in the crib with the original meaning at least until the fifteenth century and, in some Italian regions, well beyond.

yet another demonstration that all religions are a response primitive or childish, self-centered and neurotic terror of death and nothingness, when you are unable to agree on a adult, rational and responsible, the natural cycle of human life.
(source documents: Wikipedia)

UAACS - Union for anti-religious atheism and Soviet communism

What Size Leathers Do I Need

Israel Vs Palestine. The propaganda of those who does not want peace

On December 18 of this month, the Jerusalem Post published an editorial claiming that " The UN has become a major tool in the hands of perpetrators of rights violations human in the world. . The article that I linked course is in English, put at the end of my remarks to leggersela who wants to, and does not know English, the translation of the article in Italian. What I care about though, is first of all how to expose the propaganda can be subtle, and as the same may take advantage of ignorance or sometimes just a lack of time that people have to study certain subjects with the result of having an opinion driven and uninformed public. First, a personal opinion: I believe that if the UN had really Israel all the power that the Jerusalem Post reports, perhaps one of the following resolutions would be enforced. List of resolutions violated and not respected by Israel, which is updated in September 2002. said that the party carry translated article which shows clearly the intention of creating confusion. Confusion to the detriment of all. Especially at the expense of all those Israelis and Palestinians really want peace:

"As the historian Robert Wistrich Semitism notes in his book" Lethal Obsession "(Lethal Obsession), was the Soviet regime in the late 60s and 70s, first to use the de-legitimization of Israel, including the constant and dramatic parallel between Israel and South Africa as a means to mobilize the African and Arab support during the Cold War. This campaign was particularly successful in the UN, where the principle of "one country, one vote gave disproportionate power to many small African states and Muslims.
An organization created to promote freedom and equality has been effectively hijacked by authoritarian regimes. "

Perhaps this" historic "anti-Semitism does not pretend to know how the UN functions.

fact rule of "one country one vote" applies to the '
UN General Assembly. Too bad you forgot to explain that the UN General Assembly has the sole power to warnings or recommendations. No executive. Zero , nisba, nada.

The power of "real" and "decision" (quotes because they enforced by sanctions ever you can imagine that when we speak of "some states" it is not), but it's in the hands of
UN Security Council. Just happened here the rule of "one country one vote 'goes to hell. The Security Council consists of only 15 states. 5 of which are permanent, while the other ten are elected each and every two years. Moreover, these five permanent members, namely China, Russia, UK, USA and France have a veto on any decision relating to them unwelcome scvalcando and thus blocking the bud any report of the General Assembly. Here you will find information on how the UN.

I would also point out this news that I found online. News confirms that, even if the need arose after the article I pointed out, bad faith and intent to misinform the public and drive by the Jerusalem Post.

Comeunbonobo The blog is on the side of those who really want peace. Regardless of the fact that this request comes from the Israeli or Palestinian. For too long has been misinformed as endorsing the death of hundreds of thousands of innocent people, on one side or the other. Therefore, as already written on this blog, here is endorsed Country of Shministim , Israeli boys together their peers working concretely Palestinians for Peace (signed and supported their call).

I leave you with a quotation from a jew doc and then paste the translation to article in The Jerusalem Post in question:
"Everyone is someone's jew. Today the Palestinians are the Jews of Israel. " (Primo Levi).

Editorial in The Jerusalem Post - December 18, 2010
The UN has become a tool in the hands of the major perpetrators of human rights violations in the world.

New York, sculpture in front of the UN building
Monday 20 December the UN General Assembly is expected to vote on an initiative time to take 'Durban III. If the Non-Aligned Movement and other detractors of Israel and America will prevail when the General Assembly will meet at the highest levels in New York in September, a special ceremony will commemorate the 10th anniversary of the UN World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance held in Durban, South Africa.
As the 2001 conference and the next, which was held in April 2009 in Geneva, this third incarnation will have absolutely nothing to do with the ostensible purpose of the noblest of feelings. Instead undoubtedly become a hub for anti-Semitism and vitriolic - "una coalizione", come lo studioso di giurisprudenza dei diritti umani Irwin Cotler ha affermato nel descrivere su Durban I, "di nuovi virulenti e globalizzanti antiebraismi che ricordano le atmosfere che pervasero l'Europa negli anni '30".
Il cinismo e l'intenzionale disprezzo dei diritti umani e della libertà, di entrambe le conferenze di Durban fuono sbalorditivi.

Uno dei volantini distribuiti a Durban I, per esempio, aveva una foto di Adolf Hitler sopra il seguente testo: "Cosa sarebbe successo se avessi vinto? Buone cose. Non ci sarebbe stato alcun Israele e nessuno [sic] spargimento di sangue palestinese. Il resto immaginatevelo". I "Protocolli dei Savi di Sion" sono stati liberamente distribuiti, insieme a enormi amount of Islamic propaganda, Trotskyist and anti-globalist who paint Israel as a racist state, theocratic and apartheid.

The NGO Forum in Durban was referring to the alleged "ethnocide" going against the Palestinians by Israel.

The organizing committee for Durban II, chairman and co-chaired by champions of human rights such as Libya, Iran, Pakistan and Cuba, has issued a draft declaration of 88 pages ahead of the conference accusing the United States, Israel, Western Europe and other liberal democracies of racist attitudes and policies against Islam. The hundreds of thousands killed in Darfur for racist reasons were not even mentioned, nor were the atrocities imposed in the Congo and Kenya, not to mention human rights violations routine in the Muslim world.

Judging from his portfolio of any effort in assembling a majority in support of the anti-Israel, there is a good chance that the General Assembly will vote on Monday to the convening of a Durban III. There is a slim hope, however, that the UN mantnga a modicum of reason and withdraw the proposal, if only in deference to American sensibilities. The
September 2011 seems to be also the 10th anniversary of another historic event. It would be very bad to hold another festival of hatred against the West just as Americans commemorate the loss of their loved ones killed by terrorists in the attacks of 9 / 11. If the UN is
sbilancerà towards Durban III, setting the stage for an orgy of hatred, bigotry and racism against America and the West, there will be no alternative to listening to the call of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations U.S. open to all nations sane and morally responsible to refrain from participating.
Unfortunately, over the years, the UN bright moments were few and well spaced. Of these, 16 December 1991, almost exactly 19 years ago, there was the withdrawal of the resolution 3379 of 1975 which equated Zionism with racism. And above all, of course, the resolution of the prevailing United Nations General Assembly of 25 November 1947 on the partition of Palestine, which has led to the State of Israel - and would have created a Palestinian state and even if there were virulent was the intransigence of Arab States.
Unfortunately, the UN capacity to support the moral imperatives of its founders has since declined dramatically.
The UN has become a tool in the hands of the greatest writers in the world of human rights violations, used to divert attention from his horrible actions, attack America, Israel and other countries where a brave attempt was made to safeguard the rights and freedoms while fighting a war against terror.
As the historian Robert Wistrich Semitism notes in his book "Lethal Obsession" (Lethal Obsession), was the Soviet regime in the late 60s and 70s, first to use the de-legitimization of Israel, including the steady and dramatic parallel between Israel and South Africa as a means to mobilize the Arab and African support during the Cold War. This campaign has been particularly successful in the UN, where the principle of "one country, one vote gave disproportionate power to many small African states and Muslims.
An organization created to promote freedom and equality has been effectively hijacked by authoritarian regimes. If the UN decides to launch Monday in Durban III, the lack of respect and lack of credibility that still preserves will be reduced further.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hair Recommendation Letters

Monicelli free man. Israel's free

I do not think he would be interested Monicelli their opinions. Indeed, he hoped the disappearance of the ruling class and the political class that serves it. However, today the House clash again instrumental on euthanasia. The fundamentalist lover sackcloth Binetti has once again distinguished itself for its "smart" words

"No spot in favor of euthanasia, starting with episodes of desperate men: Monicelli had been left alone, his is a tremendous gesture not freedom of solitude. "
Cara Monicelli
Binetti was a free man until the end. Only free men can decide their fate. Serve!