And here comes the special wishes of "Merry Christmas" by Monty Python!
From the movie "The sense of life "is always Christmas in paradise!
From the movie "The sense of life "is always Christmas in paradise!
Although this is a film created by a group of British comedians very unconventional, by force of circumstances have always been well integrated in the world largely empty and dissolute, the show, so do not be surprised by the fact that sometimes they let themselves go to scenes decadent, lascivious and gruesome (it's written in the DNA of the bourgeoisie), but we can not recognize their genius, their technical perfection and their great courage.
In their film took apart piece by piece all the bastions of the criminal clerical-bourgeois morality, in particular the English, well represented by the final sketch, in which "the unveiling" of the meaning of life seems a perfect description of the feel-good, politically correct propaganda of the capitalist bourgeoisie which of course it does not provide class conflicts, they use, nor rebellion, but a picture of bucolic and all surreal life: "Be gentle with others, do not eat fat, read a good (?) book, take walks and try to live in peace and harmony with people of every faith and nation."
The perfect combination of lies and lies that every day there propinano servants and jesters of liberal democracies, or the dictatorship of capital!
Happy Winter Solstice!
UAACS - Union for the anti-religious atheism and Soviet Communism
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