Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Green Green Episode 13 Eng Sub


To understand the significance originating in the crib, it is necessary to clarify the role of particular (Latin lar, "hearth", derived from the Etruscan lar, "father"), deeply rooted in the Etruscan and Latin several centuries before the birth of Christianity.

The lari (lares familiares) were the deceased ancestors, according to the Roman traditions, keeping watch on the proper conduct of the family. Each ancestor was represented by a statue of clay or wax, called sigillum .

The statues were placed in special niches and, on special occasions, honored with the lighting of a flame (an ancient reference to the tradition of contemporary illuminations) . Near the winter solstice is the festival that Sigillaria (December 20) , during which the relatives exchanged as gifts the "seal" (statuettes) of deceased relatives during 'year.

Waiting for the party, the task of children of families gathered in the patriarchal house, was to polish the statuettes and arrange them according to their imagination, in a small enclosure in which it was a miniature bucolic setting (hence the name "crib ", from Latin prae = first and saepes = hedge).

the eve of the feast, before the walls of the crib, the family gathered to invoke the protection of their ancestors and leave bowls with food and wine. The next morning, instead of the bowls, children were toys and cakes, "taken" by their deceased grandparents and great-grandparents (apparent genesis of today's "Santa Claus", but St. Nicholas!) .

After taking power in the empire (IV century), in a few centuries Christians transmuted, by force and oppression, the traditional festivals in Christian holidays, while maintaining the rituals and dates, but changing the names and religious meanings.

Being a very ancient tradition, and particularly strong (because it faces the memory of deceased relatives), the rural culture survived in the crib with the original meaning at least until the fifteenth century and, in some Italian regions, well beyond.

yet another demonstration that all religions are a response primitive or childish, self-centered and neurotic terror of death and nothingness, when you are unable to agree on a adult, rational and responsible, the natural cycle of human life.
(source documents: Wikipedia)

UAACS - Union for anti-religious atheism and Soviet communism


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