Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What Size Leathers Do I Need

Israel Vs Palestine. The propaganda of those who does not want peace

On December 18 of this month, the Jerusalem Post published an editorial claiming that " The UN has become a major tool in the hands of perpetrators of rights violations human in the world. . The article that I linked course is in English, put at the end of my remarks to leggersela who wants to, and does not know English, the translation of the article in Italian. What I care about though, is first of all how to expose the propaganda can be subtle, and as the same may take advantage of ignorance or sometimes just a lack of time that people have to study certain subjects with the result of having an opinion driven and uninformed public. First, a personal opinion: I believe that if the UN had really Israel all the power that the Jerusalem Post reports, perhaps one of the following resolutions would be enforced. List of resolutions violated and not respected by Israel, which is updated in September 2002. said that the party carry translated article which shows clearly the intention of creating confusion. Confusion to the detriment of all. Especially at the expense of all those Israelis and Palestinians really want peace:

"As the historian Robert Wistrich Semitism notes in his book" Lethal Obsession "(Lethal Obsession), was the Soviet regime in the late 60s and 70s, first to use the de-legitimization of Israel, including the constant and dramatic parallel between Israel and South Africa as a means to mobilize the African and Arab support during the Cold War. This campaign was particularly successful in the UN, where the principle of "one country, one vote gave disproportionate power to many small African states and Muslims.
An organization created to promote freedom and equality has been effectively hijacked by authoritarian regimes. "

Perhaps this" historic "anti-Semitism does not pretend to know how the UN functions.

fact rule of "one country one vote" applies to the '
UN General Assembly. Too bad you forgot to explain that the UN General Assembly has the sole power to warnings or recommendations. No executive. Zero , nisba, nada.

The power of "real" and "decision" (quotes because they enforced by sanctions ever you can imagine that when we speak of "some states" it is not), but it's in the hands of
UN Security Council. Just happened here the rule of "one country one vote 'goes to hell. The Security Council consists of only 15 states. 5 of which are permanent, while the other ten are elected each and every two years. Moreover, these five permanent members, namely China, Russia, UK, USA and France have a veto on any decision relating to them unwelcome scvalcando and thus blocking the bud any report of the General Assembly. Here you will find information on how the UN.

I would also point out this news that I found online. News confirms that, even if the need arose after the article I pointed out, bad faith and intent to misinform the public and drive by the Jerusalem Post.

Comeunbonobo The blog is on the side of those who really want peace. Regardless of the fact that this request comes from the Israeli or Palestinian. For too long has been misinformed as endorsing the death of hundreds of thousands of innocent people, on one side or the other. Therefore, as already written on this blog, here is endorsed Country of Shministim , Israeli boys together their peers working concretely Palestinians for Peace (signed and supported their call).

I leave you with a quotation from a jew doc and then paste the translation to article in The Jerusalem Post in question:
"Everyone is someone's jew. Today the Palestinians are the Jews of Israel. " (Primo Levi).

Editorial in The Jerusalem Post - December 18, 2010
The UN has become a tool in the hands of the major perpetrators of human rights violations in the world.

New York, sculpture in front of the UN building
Monday 20 December the UN General Assembly is expected to vote on an initiative time to take 'Durban III. If the Non-Aligned Movement and other detractors of Israel and America will prevail when the General Assembly will meet at the highest levels in New York in September, a special ceremony will commemorate the 10th anniversary of the UN World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance held in Durban, South Africa.
As the 2001 conference and the next, which was held in April 2009 in Geneva, this third incarnation will have absolutely nothing to do with the ostensible purpose of the noblest of feelings. Instead undoubtedly become a hub for anti-Semitism and vitriolic - "una coalizione", come lo studioso di giurisprudenza dei diritti umani Irwin Cotler ha affermato nel descrivere su Durban I, "di nuovi virulenti e globalizzanti antiebraismi che ricordano le atmosfere che pervasero l'Europa negli anni '30".
Il cinismo e l'intenzionale disprezzo dei diritti umani e della libertà, di entrambe le conferenze di Durban fuono sbalorditivi.

Uno dei volantini distribuiti a Durban I, per esempio, aveva una foto di Adolf Hitler sopra il seguente testo: "Cosa sarebbe successo se avessi vinto? Buone cose. Non ci sarebbe stato alcun Israele e nessuno [sic] spargimento di sangue palestinese. Il resto immaginatevelo". I "Protocolli dei Savi di Sion" sono stati liberamente distribuiti, insieme a enormi amount of Islamic propaganda, Trotskyist and anti-globalist who paint Israel as a racist state, theocratic and apartheid.

The NGO Forum in Durban was referring to the alleged "ethnocide" going against the Palestinians by Israel.

The organizing committee for Durban II, chairman and co-chaired by champions of human rights such as Libya, Iran, Pakistan and Cuba, has issued a draft declaration of 88 pages ahead of the conference accusing the United States, Israel, Western Europe and other liberal democracies of racist attitudes and policies against Islam. The hundreds of thousands killed in Darfur for racist reasons were not even mentioned, nor were the atrocities imposed in the Congo and Kenya, not to mention human rights violations routine in the Muslim world.

Judging from his portfolio of any effort in assembling a majority in support of the anti-Israel, there is a good chance that the General Assembly will vote on Monday to the convening of a Durban III. There is a slim hope, however, that the UN mantnga a modicum of reason and withdraw the proposal, if only in deference to American sensibilities. The
September 2011 seems to be also the 10th anniversary of another historic event. It would be very bad to hold another festival of hatred against the West just as Americans commemorate the loss of their loved ones killed by terrorists in the attacks of 9 / 11. If the UN is
sbilancerà towards Durban III, setting the stage for an orgy of hatred, bigotry and racism against America and the West, there will be no alternative to listening to the call of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations U.S. open to all nations sane and morally responsible to refrain from participating.
Unfortunately, over the years, the UN bright moments were few and well spaced. Of these, 16 December 1991, almost exactly 19 years ago, there was the withdrawal of the resolution 3379 of 1975 which equated Zionism with racism. And above all, of course, the resolution of the prevailing United Nations General Assembly of 25 November 1947 on the partition of Palestine, which has led to the State of Israel - and would have created a Palestinian state and even if there were virulent was the intransigence of Arab States.
Unfortunately, the UN capacity to support the moral imperatives of its founders has since declined dramatically.
The UN has become a tool in the hands of the greatest writers in the world of human rights violations, used to divert attention from his horrible actions, attack America, Israel and other countries where a brave attempt was made to safeguard the rights and freedoms while fighting a war against terror.
As the historian Robert Wistrich Semitism notes in his book "Lethal Obsession" (Lethal Obsession), was the Soviet regime in the late 60s and 70s, first to use the de-legitimization of Israel, including the steady and dramatic parallel between Israel and South Africa as a means to mobilize the Arab and African support during the Cold War. This campaign has been particularly successful in the UN, where the principle of "one country, one vote gave disproportionate power to many small African states and Muslims.
An organization created to promote freedom and equality has been effectively hijacked by authoritarian regimes. If the UN decides to launch Monday in Durban III, the lack of respect and lack of credibility that still preserves will be reduced further.


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