This year, Italy is celebrating the "liberation" from Nazi-Fascism. Each passing year, this event becomes more of a ritual useless, tired, hypocritical, phony, full of rhetoric and platitudes, of which even the masters of ceremonies seem really convinced. It is a liturgy typically clerical-bourgeois as evidenced by the fact that the central moments are the celebration of Mass and the mayor's speech.
On the other hand it is useless to forget that the resistance was not a subversive and progressive event, so as you would have us believe, since they were the protagonists in a consistent Catholic, monarchist and military, concerned more than anything else in return, perhaps with a new painting, his own power and privileges.
was precisely the Catholic Church and the capitalist bourgeoisie to determine the rise to power of Mussolini in Italy, but when they realized that things were going for the worst (such as the September 8, 1943) rushed to put their pawns in partisan movement to prevent the common component could take over.
In fact, the communist partisan organizations, primarily in the GAP, were the most numerous, specific and efficient, but unfortunately because of the cynicism and treachery of people like Togliatti, he was prevented from conceiving, organizing and continue the armed struggle, not merely the liberation struggle but as a revolutionary struggle for the establishment of the socialist power by the dictatorship of the proletariat.
This is demonstrated in an overt acts of treason by the three infamous taken personally by Togliatti as "Turn of Salerno" (entry into the royal government of Badoglio), amnesty fascists (Togliatti is the Keeper of the Seals) and the vote of Article 7 of the Constitution (acceptance of the concordat with the Fascist which was created State of the Vatican and Catholicism in Italy became "the only religion of the state").
So no surprise that now that the clergy and the bourgeoisie itself criminal, which once supported the Nazi-fascism, are appropriate for this occasion, while seeking to deprive it of the apparent revolutionary significance, through the use of historical revisionism (equivalence among the dead partisans on one side and the fascists of Salò and criminal aggressors Italian soldiers on the other) and, through its transformation into a party of "national reconciliation".
in this process have an active role in the last two Italian political parties which claim to communism and the same so-called antagonist movements (squats, global justice, anarchists, pacifists, etc..), Now entering that stage of Berlusconizzazione the Italian left, which leads them to use the same methods and the same patterns of our leader and entrepreneur.
Jesi, in particular, for years now is experiencing a real tragedy, with a mayor that in addition to "business as usual bourgeois", backed by both parties calling themselves communists, is guilty of certain acts genuinely fascist: the cancellation of the performance of the Hack at the Teatro Pergolesi in 2005 for the death of John Paul II, the removal of our cartoons Muhammad behind explicit intimidation of Islamic circles, and finally the elimination of boards of associations at the Arc of the Magistrate, under the guise of rehabilitation, really just to prevent the posters "dangerous."
In this bleak and depressing picture, stand up for all anarchists Jesi of Libertarian Studies Centre "Luigi Fabbri. " The anarchists in general have been irreversibly opened to a scary process of approval. Their decadent, individualistic conception of freedom (between liberals and libertarians, there are only a few letters difference) was fully mixed with the degenerate capitalist dictatorship of the consumer and commercial-television.
years herm is clear that their strategy accommodating and compliant with hooks and knowledge with the local power that he gave time off, "valuable" means a place in a municipal structure (the way of carcerette Posterma) 's assigning a unique board, the dedication to Sacco and Vanzetti, complete with a plaque, the gardens of Carcerette (at the expense of the municipality). This news, in its time, was also published with some relief from clerical-reactionary newspaper "Voice of Vallesina", a demonstration of actual contiguity between anarchists and one dominant thought.
Obviously the mayor, including an unveiling of a statue of Padre Pio and the reception in full regalia of a statue of the Virgin Mary descending from a helicopter, was happy to neutralize another myth of the bourgeois left empty (Sacco and Vanzetti) putting it in the shop of the corrupt and rotten liberal-democratic society.
But this is nothing. Jesi anarchists were guilty of "crimes" far worse.
When the mayor removed the cartoons about Islam and published by us when we were even the subject of death threats from local Muslims, anarchists "in solidarity" ferociously attacked us with an article in which said that "the cartoons were quite bad, 'we must face the issues stating religious values \u200b\u200bwithout hurting the feelings of anybody" (sic), that "there are different ways to be an atheist, not that this should result in the totality "(sic), we we were "intransigent and fanatical defenders of a non-church" (sic) and that "it is a good thing that local women and men of Muslim faith have made themselves felt because they were offended in their persons" (sic ! sic!).
What can I say? The first words seem taken from a statement of Forza Italy, while the latter seems to be the draft of a proclamation of al-Qaida, but alas it was indeed an article of anarchists Jesi! Never read sentences more reactionary and silly! (See
FRIENDS OF COMPLAINT - The sad downward by a group of anarchists )
And to think that it was precisely the Fano anarchists who printed thousands of stickers, T-shirts, posters, stickers with the "Pope Wojtyla? No Thank You "? for which they went on trial for insulting the pope. Pay court costs for printing thousands of pamphlets that we bought out of solidarity and strongly defend not only the legitimacy but also the need for such a cartoon. But why the cartoons are on Catholics to defend, while the Islamists are on the offensive? Mysteries of the anarchist creed! Or rather, no mystery: Catholics today than they put you on trial, while the Islamists condemn you to death and this says a lot about the "caliber" of anarchists who nostrani definitely have nothing to do with those brave and least consistent of late nineteenth century.
But the apotheosis there was a few months ago with the use of threats, insults and physical lynching attempt by anarchists to one of our comrades (see
Tales of Ordinary Madness Anarcho-FASCIST ). Moreover, given the circumstances, the conclusion could only be that of the use of methods squad.
need to go, in fact, to the Fascist Jesi to watch episodes so distinctly violent, reactionary and obscurantist, made moreover, in silence, or worse, not only with the complicity of the parties but also the associations and movements of so-called left and antagonists, but that a day should be accountable to the victorious proletariat and its revolutionary dictatorship, for their crimes and their betrayals, like the capitalists, the clergy, the bourgeoisie and all their police.
UAACS - Union for the anti-religious atheism and Soviet Communism