.. When the percentage counts.
L like a drawing inspired and enlightened by an interesting article published today Italy on March 30
ato " Urns deserted? Journalists give the numbers " signed by Claudio Plazzotta, to confirm that even the big names of TV journalism that is true or (given the cachet) with the abacus to do punches. Yesterday evening the handsome Leonardo Matrix (both good and funny that his last name I can not remember EVER for a slip Mentana) phoned Catiuscia Marini - the new governor of Umbria - to discuss the decline in voter turnout that has affected even the most loyal voters in Umbria. Well, the beloved of Leonardo 'see you soon' speak English as I chew the Tuscan, but the percentages do not we just. Even for him the decline in turnout was 9%, taking up perhaps what he had read in national newspapers such as the authoritative Corriere della Sera , La Repubblica, La Stampa , even the perfectionist Messenger, the 'Unit . Everyone, I mean everyone - as suggested by the article today Italy - have walked the pen on a 9% decline. And the donkey falls here. The 9 percentage points but has to do (good Andrea Fireflies in the fact
Journal Umbria here and praise and sbrodo) reported a difference of 9 percentage points, not 9% as my colleagues have written of the great newspapers of the boot. (O my boots?) " If you divide a pie into four - we read in the above mentioned - and take away a slice, the drop is 1% but 25% . After all we know, and also signed the percentages cn always a fight, taken from the hustle, the minutes go by and if you do, intermingling with the calculator to do an hour early. How much is 10% of spending an hour to bring back the good rate without writing nonsense?

omprensibile C, but not too, that under the shells of the ballot and a swarm of data there has been some 'confusion between percentages and percentage points themselves. Therefore, he suggests Italy Today, the decline in turnout in Lazio, for example, was not 16% but 22%. A just want to come to terms. The same applies to the counts on the share of fancy. Then I close with the ironic comment of the journalist illuminated by the abacus of proportion. "But in newsrooms unnecessarily crowded with many national newspapers the calculator is in the drawer . Wanting just a click menu of Windows ..
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