SEVEN YEARS AFTER ARRIVAL OF THE LIGHT In places Vignone Tuoro to the owners of the houses met celebrate the connection of utilities after seven years of waiting
Tuoro sul Trasimeno
P er see the light bulb in the house had to wait seven years. Yesterday was a day to be included in the annals for the owners of the lots at Avignon. As you know, this is the lottizzione Palazzuolo were at the center of a controversial dispute ended in late 2007, but in fact has forced many families to pay for years toreggiane mortgage payment contract to buy your dream home and at the same time the monthly rent for an apartment to stay pending resolution. Wait for seven years. Since 2008 I have started infrastructure works in Avignon (Palazzuolo to begin soon), until recently the electric utilities in the work of urbanization was guaranteed by temporary generators.
"If I had known in 2003 that I would have tied the utilities in 2010, I would have bought a house. - Commented Giorgio Cingolani, one of the owners -. With the availability of those responsible for Enel Perrucconi Mauro and Marco Montesi, knowing all our ups and downs, have sought to accelerate as much as possible the time necessary bureaucratic to make the connections. This morning (Monday, editor's note) at 9 we lit the first light of the house. "
currently seven utilities authorized to Avignon, in all the lots are forty.
U na long-standing history of the subdivisions of Avignon and Palazzolo.
fact Party in 2003 with the approval of the variant that makes the land building which owns the City, which at the start of the two surfaces to subdivision (a total of 13 houses in one and 22 in the other, for a total of 26,000 cubic meters). A citizen, a native of Rome, but the owner of the adjacent area to the two subdivisions of a request for suspension the TAR, supported by Advocate (as well as president of Perugia in Italy Nostra) Urban Barelli, for alleged violation of environmental restrictions and landscape .. The award of the Tar therefore calls on the City to revise the approved version. However, despite these comments are accepted Ente, the applicant continues to insist there is a second appeal to the TAR. The Administrative Court, however, responds that it is not his responsibility. And so the same is directed to the State Council. The fury is convegono end when the two sides to an agreement before the ruling Council of State. We are at the end of 2007. The wait is not yet over. And only yesterday I arrived "lights".
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