The cold air that covers you in the back even the most sultry days of August ...
The feeling of being there, on top of the center of the world ...
... the Chrysler Building with its roof distinctive, the Flatiron Building with its shape to "iron", the only chance to see the Empire State Building from top to bottom ... the Brooklyn Bridge and the Statue of Liberty in the distance .. . all of New York at your feet, as in a three-dimensional photography ... and then look down, down and further down to see red lights ready to shoot and yellow spots designed to move not just here and there appear Tiny green dots .. small and numerous, and people like ants moving in all directions while everything seems to stop there, motionless, fake.
And it is those who have heard that air and tried those feelings, those lassopra There was that not only can understand but can not even get to imagine that anyone would be such an idea ... but a certain Philippe Petit in 1978 not only had that idea into practice, but in this Documentary tells how ....
" .. So, maybe it's a lie,
but for me it is not,
I heard the crowd,
I saw the crowd,
heard her murmur .. "
Philippe Petit
.... and also I like to think it was a just reward
for an enterprise so outstanding ...
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