Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Can You Reserve A Flight But

Nicolaus Copernicus

Sciences Real, hypothetical-deductive science.
Physics is real or hypothetical deductive? Newton writes, "Filosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica." It combines the real and hypothetical-deductive science.

The Ptolemaic model had always had excessive errors but could be adjusted by introducing spheres that rotate on ball bearings and so on. Suffice it to say that at the time of Aristotle it was thought that the balls were fifty, while the 500 had arrived at 70.

We have been waiting for the answer to the winter semester, which would last 180 days and the summer 185.
Kepler will be a few decades later to explain that the differences between the two semesters because there are the orbits are elliptical and the speed is variable.

Nicolaus Copernicus, a Polish priest takes up the heliocentric theory of Aristarchus of Samos. The earth rotates on itself. The key points were, however, that the system was moving in a circle at constant speed, as had been theorized in the Ptolemaic model.

Copernicus with much hesitation, because it was against the church, decided to publish "De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium" book which is his theory.
In the meantime, however, is ill. The publication is edited by Andrea Osiander then, that accompanies the work with an anonymous preface explains that the heliocentric system was not to be understood as a description of the Universe it is actually, but it was only a mathematical tool to clarify and simplify the calculations that have to do with the movement of planets.

Osiander was a Lutheran pastor. Friendship with Copernicus shows how the latter was not interested in the disputes of the church, but it was an open type.


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