Thursday, September 24, 2009

How To Make A Program For A Church Anniversary

Philosophy 1648-1688: John Duns Scotus - Thomas Aquinas

What condition must be met to talk about God?
How can we think of something that transcends (goes beyond) of our experience?

God is "Omne Aliud" (= the other completely).

The concept of "Omne Aliud" leads to two answers:

· negative theology (he speaks of what is not God, based on experience)
· Mysticism: (silence, the divine reality is ineffable, the only road remains silent)

Ineffable = that which can not be said.

For Aquinas the basis for speaking of God is the concept of "Analogy Entis. The divine being is nothing, but there are similarities to be ours. The anolog be between our theology and divine help to have a cognitive value. Theology = discourse about God

"They subsistens Ipsum" shall have the subsistent being. This concept has nothing in common with our experience.

John Duns Scotus, the great philosopher of the Middle Ages known as "Doctor Subtilis" because of its subtlety.
Thomas Aquinas, known as "Doctor Angelicus."

Scotus was a Franciscan monk, Thomas Aquinas, a Dominican.

Values Trinity:
· Divine authority: the Father
· Sum wisdom: Son
• First Love: The Holy Spirit

Dominicans favored the supreme wisdom, the Franciscans first love.

John Duns Scotus denies the analogy of being. Supports the uniqueness of being.
Unique: what is to be understood properly only in one direction.
With the uniqueness of Being can only talk. It can be shown, however, the existence of God as first principle of beings.

Theology of John Duns Scotus is a science discipline or practice. It is the science that gives us the directions to follow to reach eternal happiness.


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