Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hidden Blade Advanced Blueprints

Publio Virgilio Marone - Biography Literature

- Publio Virgilio Marone (Publius: Roman name, Virgilius: from the Etruscan).
born in 70 BC near Mantua, from a family of medium-sized landowners. He studied Latin and Greek letters, math and medicine first in Cremona, then Milan and finally Rome. In Naples, he studied philosophy and in particular the concepts of Epicurus. There he met leading figures from the political and artistic (including Horace).

lives during the last phase of the civil wars. Since these are directly affected: the redistribution of land to the veterans, his family's possessions are confiscated. From there they moved all in Naples.

Augustus after the civil war to regroup Rome relies on Maecenas, a wealthy descendant of a political aristocracy Etruscan king.

Maecenas chooses Virgil and 3 other provincial

· Publio Virgilio Maro - Mantova
· Horace - Power
· Sextus Propertius - Assisi
· Tito Livio - Padova

Virgil wrote his early works and non-public, but that probably are read from Maecenas:
· Culex (Mosquito)
· Eclogues (bucolos = shepherd) 10 compositions in hexameter (six accents) dactylic. Pretending to speak of shepherds and a mythical place (Greece Arcadia) Virgil speaks with a refined love (love omofiliaci) speaks of feeling, not about sex, love of Greek.
· Georgics (= works for farmers), Virgil takes seven years to write, are the works that have made him famous.


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