Friday, September 25, 2009

What Shade Foundation Is Comparable To Mac Nc 20

The Georgics

The Georgics of Virgil is the second work. Gheòrgos = peasant. Were written between 38 and 29 BC (32 years, full maturity of Virgil) after he entered the circle of Maecenas Virgil (Virgil, Horace, Propertius and Livy ..)

The Georgics is a didactic poem with learning function (unobserved, hidden, indirect)
The didactic poetry derives from Hellenism. Nicambro was the poet greek model of Virgil.

The Georgics are composed of four books.
In the first two speak of agriculture in the first cultivation of cereals and fruit, in the second crop of wines, like the olive and the vine.
In the third and fourth book the argument is the breeding, the first sheep (goats and sheep. It was the most important because farming viable almost anywhere, because it provided the raw material for fabrics), then in cattle (animals closer to the gods, used in sacrifices).

Original title:
· Georgicon Books IV (Greece);
· Georgica Carmina Books IV (the Latin). Carmina = Canti

The Georgics are not agricultural manuals. Pretending to talk about agriculture Virgil invites us to appreciate the world shaped by man. Enhances the family and is sacred work by the content.

Maecenas is remembered in all 4 books not only as the dedicatee of the work itself but also as an inspiration.

Mos maiorum: ethics of classical Latin (= custom of fathers)
In religion the Latin aspect prevails intolerance of indifference.


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