Saturday, September 26, 2009

Nature Valley Granola Mcdonalds

The Dutch United Provinces after the Peace of Westphalia was declared independent.
then began to expand commercially (New York was founded as New Amsterdam, Dutch store). The Dutch East India Company created trading posts along the Atlantic and Pacific. They work almost all the trade that Indonesia has with Europe and were the only ones able to have trade relations with Japan.

The Dutch United Provinces are the only country in Europe where there is religious tolerance.

• In France freedom of worship was given to the Huguenots by the Edict of Nantes Henry V. This freedom, however, was denied by the coming of Louis XIV. Habsburg
· In the north, in Silesia, after the Peace of Westphalia, the reformist group can provide a moderate freedom of worship. They could build churches and outside to see they did not give places of worship. The churches, in limited quantities, also had to be constructed of durable material such as wood (no brick, stone).
· Spain imposed the conversion, those who are not converted was forced to exile. Many Jews went to exile in Portugal. After some time the English Portugal enacted the same law. When Jews exiled a second time, they chose the Dutch United Provinces.
• in the other were worth to the "deceased Royal eius religio.

Dutch United Provinces: the stated tolerance
· Calvin Armenian (Armin) were the most liberal Calvinists
· Calvin Gomar (by Gomar) and tighter attached to the laws of religion.
· Christian Jews (from the states from which they were exiled).

In Europe the only other areas where there was freedom of worship were the areas dominated by Muslims: the public could profess any religion, but if different from Islam were subjected to a fee.

Spain begins to decay. The Habsburgs to cede the crown to prevent other families began to marry each other. This process produces children with serious health problems or even mental. The Kings of this time to die young as a result of genetic diseases which they are charged.


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